Spotkanie przed inauguracją projektu CyberMentor EuropeMeeting before inauguration of the project CyberMentor Europe

W dniu 17 maja 2013 r. w siedzibie Stowarzyszenia BeatBullying w Londynie odbyła się dyskusja przed inauguracją projektu dotyczącego przemocy rówieśniczej dotykającej dzieci i młodzież.

On May 17, 2013, at the office of the Association Beatbullying in London there was a discussion before the inauguration of the project on peer violence against children and youth.

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Meeting in framework of the project Children Rough Sleepers

Meeting in framework of the project Children Rough Sleepers

On 3-4 March 2013 at the University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom) took place a kick-off meeting in framework of the project entitled A Study Relating to Children Rough Sleepers who are Runaways & Homeless and Victims of Sexual Exploitation/Abuse & other Violence on the Streets and Development of Knowledge Transfer Activities that Improve Services & Policies to Support & Protect these Vulnerable Children implemented in framework of Daphne III programme. 

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