Newsletter #3 IncludeUp

Newsletter #3 IncludeUp

We present the third Newsletter of IncludeUp project. Have a look and find out about work in progress!

The material is available to download here.

Exciting Updates from the BRAND Project!

Exciting Updates from the BRAND Project!

As our 24-month Erasmus+ project, BRAND, approaches its end.  We are thrilled to share the latest updates. The project focuses on raising awareness of fast fashion’s environmental impact and equips youth workers with tools to inspire young people to make eco-friendly fashion choices, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Discover the outcomes of the project and learn more in our latest newsletter

Please take a look at the press release from the Brand project (Boosting youth towards Responsible and sustainAble choices in fashioN inDustry) project.

Please take a look at the press release from the Brand project (Boosting youth towards Responsible and sustainAble choices in fashioN inDustry) project.

The BRAND project aims to raise awareness among young people about fast fashion and its environmental impact. It also seeks to equip youth workers with the necessary materials and tools to inform, influence and empower youth toward greener fashion choices, creating a more sustainable future in fashion.


Partners’ meeting SOURCE

Partners’ meeting SOURCE

A recent partners’ meeting was held during which

discussed the further development of training materials.

For more information visit www and social media

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Online meeting – STAND UP

Online meeting – STAND UP

Exciting Updates from the STAND UP Partnership! Earlier today, our team gathered online to take the final steps toward the completion of our project. We delved into discussions about the upcoming Multiplier Events in partner countries – Spain, Greece, Poland & Ireland. Stay tuned for more updates on this incredible journey! Continue reading

BRAND project partners test the ‘BRAND Ecological Fashion Toolkit’ in Larissa!

BRAND project partners test the ‘BRAND Ecological Fashion Toolkit’ in Larissa!

The BRAND project partners gathered in Larissa to test the first result of the project: ‘BRAND Ecological Fashion Toolkit’. This toolkit aims to raise environmental awareness in the fashion industry and equip participants with the tools needed to implement sustainable practices.

Curious about the latest achievements?

Download the 3rd Newsletter below to find out more!