Effective mentoring

Effective mentoring

Implementation period: 10.2013 – 06.2014
Assistance program: Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme
Project number: II/FST/27

Project description:

The aim of the project was to enable the establishment and continuation of cooperation between the Association and planned to acquire Swiss partner in the area of institutions operating based on mentoring.

This goal has been achieved by completion of a study visit to Switzerland, meeting with the Swiss experts concerning a mentoring and preparation of publications presenting effective solutions in the field of mentoring in Switzerland. Identification, description in detail and popularization of knowledge on this subject contributed to the better functioning of Polish institutions using mentoring. The project has been successful in organizing and holding of the study visit and the development of the publication presenting Swiss solutions in the field of mentoring.

Project work schedule:

  • Phase I – „Preparation of study visit” [01/10/2013-31/12/2013].
  • Phase II – „Geeting to know Swiss solutions In the area of mentoring – study tour” [01/01/2014-31/03/2014].
  • Phase III – „Promotion of Swiss solutions in the area of mentoring” [01/03/2014-30/06/2014].

Results/benefits of the project:

  • Implementation of study visit
  • Letter of intent with partner from abroad
  • Publication– the result of the project
  • Increase of entities embraced by support implementing best practices

Target group:

The main recipients of the effects of the project were public and private institutions using or interested in using mentoring in their business. Moreover academic centres, which have been the subject of research of this type of method, as well as individuals who are interested in the subject.

Value of financing: 20 682,84 CHF

Look at: www.programszwajcarski.gov.pl, www.swiss-contribution.admin.ch/poland, www.alp-carp.com

Projekt współfinansowany przez Szwajcarię w ramach szwajcarskiego programu współpracy z nowymi krajami członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej

Project supported by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union


Study of utility of income in Polish households and its impact on the households

Study of utility of income in Polish households and its impact on the households

Implementation period: 10.2013 – 12.2014
Assistance program: programme is financed with the Association’s own resources
Project description:

The main goal of the project is to determine how an assessment of the utility of income influences households in making the decision whether to initiate or postpone consumption.

Detailed goals of the project:

  • Characteristics of income condition in Polish households, years 2010-2012;
  • Characteristics of income, spending and savings diversity in households, from the perspective of socio-economic and demographic factors;
  • Analysis of income, spending and savings distribution of households, from the aforementioned perspective;
  • Sectional analysis of income diversity and poverty of households from the aforementioned perspective.


The main result of the project shall be a synthetic report from the analysis of a financial situation of households; utility of income achieved in households examined from different socio-economic and demographic perspectives, including the role of the utility of income and its impact on households’ decisions; and the analysis of poverty in households. Additional results are academic papers on the subjects researched within the project’s framework.

Main recipients of the results

Scientists, institutions helping people facing poverty and social exclusion, social policy makers.

Implementing institution

  • “Center for Education and Enterprise Support” Association

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CME – CyberMentors Europe

CME – CyberMentors Europe

Implementation period: 01.2013 – 11.2014
Assistance program: Daphne III
Project number: JUST/2011/DAP/AG

Project description:

Change of attitudes towards violence affecting young people through the use of cybermentoring in six European countries.

The results of the project

  • creating active web portals designed for young people up to 25 years, experiencing violence, harassment or bullying in their peer groups;
  • training of the aid team consisting of psychologists, mentors and volunteers, supporting young people through the network and providing direct support;
  • dissemination of fresh ideas amongst young people about cybermentoring, through training

Target group

Children, adolescents and adults aged 11-25 years, experiencing violence, harassment and bullying in contact with their peers, parents and care givers of children and young adults, teachers, police, social activists.


  • Beat Bullying Limited (UK)
  • Goldsmith University (UK)
  • Komunikujeme o.s. (Czech Republic)
  • Universita` Degli Studio di Firenze (Italy)
  • Tender (Italy)
  • Instituto de Desenvolvimento (Portugal)
  • Asociatia de Mediere a Conflictelor MIST (Romania)
  • Concello de Ourense Concellaria de Xuventude (Spain)


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With financial support from the Daphne III Programme of the European Union.
This publication/material/website has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of CME consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.

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Implementation period: 01.01.2013 – 31.03.2015
Assistance program: Regional Operational Programme – Subcarpathian Voivodeship
Project number: UDA-RPPK.01.02.00-18-001/12-00

Project description:

The project was aimed at entrepreneurs in the SME sector and large companies interested in obtaining a consultative support in the operation of their own businesses through the operation of analytical information portal.

Using the portal following services are provided:

  1. analysis of branch trends,
  2. analysis of consumer attitudes and preferences regarding the product,
  3. strategic analysis of the enterprise.

The results of the project

  • creation of analytic portal for SME and large enterprises,
  • provision of advisory services in the field of branch trends analysis, consumer attitudes and preferences regarding product and strategic analysis of the company.

Target group

Enterprises in the SME sector and large companies from across the Subcarpathian region wishing to make business analysis of their activities.


  • Foundation Science for Industry and Environment,
  • Lesser Poland Institute of Economics in Rzeszow,
  • Association for Women „VICTORIA”.
Website: api.cwep.eu
CRS – Children Rough Sleepers

CRS – Children Rough Sleepers

CRS – Children Rough Sleepers
Implementation period: 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2014
Assistance program: Daphne III
Project number: JUST/2011/DAP/AG/3022

Project description:

CRS – Children Rough Sleepers: A Study Relating to Children Rough Sleepers who are Runaways & Homeless and Victims of Sexual Exploitation/Abuse & other Violence on the Streets and Development of Knowledge Transfer Activities that Improve Services & Policies to Support & Protect these Vulnerable Children

To examine the incident of children running away from home as a result of domestic violence and sexual abuse and to offer them comprehensive assistance and give essential support for dealing with such children.

The results of the project

  • report of the research on the causes of homelessness of children experiencing violence, sexual exploitation or abuse,
  • a guide for people dealing with such children,
  • conferences and informational materials about homelessness amongst children and effective methods of prevention,
  • an educational program designed to provide efficient support for such children.

Target group

Homeless children fleeing from their homes because of experienced violence, mistreatment or abuse, aid institutions, decision-makers in the area of social policy, scientists involved in social issues.

Institutionslogo crs

  • University of Wolverhampton (UK),
  • Communicate NGO (Czech Republic),
  • International Child Development Initiatives – ICDI (Netherlands),
  • Communicate NGO (Czech Republic),
  • Conversas de Rua Associacao (Portugal),
  • CCRESS Ltd. (UK),
  • Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning (Romania),
  • AGreenment Association (Italy),
  • Euro Coop (Slovenia),
  • Simetrias (Spain),
  • Regional Social Welfare Resource Centre (Hungary).





daphne eu daphne

With financial support from the Daphne III Programme of the European Union.
This publication/material/website has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of CRS consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.

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Implementation period: 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2014
Assistance program: Regional Operational Programme – Subcarpathian Voivodeship
Project number: UDA-RPPK.01.02.00-18-003/12-00

Project description:

Development of the Association „The Center for Education and Enterprise Support” through implementation of a package of new services for entrepreneurs on mobile devices

The project was aimed at entrepreneurs in the SME sector and large companies interested in obtaining a consultative support in ICT through mobile devices.

The following services are provided through the portal:

  1. mobile information area
  2. mobile consulting area
  3. mobile e-learning area

The results of the project

  • portal for SME and large enterprises,
  • provision of advisory services in the field of the implementation of ICT support through mobile devices.

Target group

PEnterprises in the SME sector and large companies from across the Subcarpathian region wishing to make business analysis of their activities.


  • Foundation Science for Industry and Environment,
  • Lesser Poland Institute of Economics in Rzeszow,
  • Association for Women „VICTORIA”.
I.O.R. – Impact Of Relationship

I.O.R. – Impact Of Relationship

I.O.R. – Impact Of Relationship
Implementation period: 01.12.2012 – 30.09.2014
Assistance program: Daphne III
Project number: JUST/2011/DAP/AG/3255

Project description:

Increasing the safety of young people aged 10-17 years using social media networks by using 9 social media sites.

The results of the project

  • creating of more than 243 websites using social media in 27 European languages,
  • developing audio and video signals propagating the safe use of the network.

Target group

Children and adolescents aged 10-17 years, using the Internet, parents and caregivers of these children and teenagers, teachers, cultural animators, social activists to maintain security of the network.


  • Agreement Association (Italy),
  • Foster Foundation (Malta),
  • Cooperation Ireland (Ireland),
  • Demetra Association (Bulgaria),
  • Diverse Association (Romania),
  • Talentum 2000 Közhasznú alapitvány (Hungary),
  • Instituto de Desenvolvimento Social (Social Developement Institute) (Portugal),
  • Hellenic Regional Developement Center (Greece),
  • Innovacion Social Emprendedores Sociales – ISES (Spain),
  • Edukaciniai Projektai (Latvia),
  • Zemgale NGO Centre (Lithuania),
  • Komunuikujeme o.s. (Czech Republic),
  • Wiesmar Bildungsgellschaft gemeinvetzige GmbH – Wiesmar educational institute (Germany),
  • Searchlighter LTD (UK),
  • KISA – Action for equality, suport, antiracism (Cyprus),
  • Fondation Agoravox (France),
  • EESTI People to People (Estonia),
  • ESTRA fondation (Slovakia),
  • EuroCoop, Institut za Europske Raziskave in Razvoj (Slovenia),
  • My Chioce NGO (Sweden),
  • Pro Mente oö (Austria),
  • Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs Hoger Instituut der Kempen (Belgium),
  • Frederikssund – Halsas Brand & Redningsberdskab (Denmark),
  • Stiching Projob (Netherlands),
  • Helsingin Venäjänkielinen nuorisokulttuuriyhdistys HVNA Alliance ry (Finland).




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With financial support from the Daphne III Programme of the European Union.

This publication/material/website has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of I.O.R. consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.

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Implementation period: 01.08.2012 – 30.08.2014
Assistance program: Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
Project number: 2012-1-GR1-GRU06-10482 8

Project description:

„ReAge” – Reactivating senior citizens and youngsters In society

The aim of this project was to create a unique environment basing on mutual learning process among seniors and youngsters. The spreading of a cross-generation learning was the main aim of the project, and thanks to exchanging information and knowledge among target groups and popularising the elicitation of seniors, the partnership disseminated information about problems met by seniors and was trying to eliminate them.

The aim of the project was achieved by organising different events and workshops on a local level.

The results of the project

Results of the project are: project website, project brochure and portable exhibitions containing seniors’ belongings of a significant value.

Target group
Seniors (especially those who face social exclusion) and youngsters.


  • VFIN Videnscenter for integration (Denmark);
  • Bartin Belediyesi (Turkey).
Taste Different

Taste Different

Taste Different
Implementation period: 01.08.2012 – 31.07.2014
Assistance program: Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig
Project number: 2012-1-IT2-GRU06-37670 4

Project description:

A large number of marginalised people are found across Europe. Due to lack of education, job opportunities and to some extent language training or ICT skills, they are at risk of social exclusion. The Taste Different project sought to promote active inclusion through something as simple as food.

It is universally accepted that food and the preparation of food is a key activity for human beings; the number of articles presented daily in the media, of published cook books and of the amount of money spend on our daily bread all point to this. Furthermore food has an ability to bring people together, to make us talk and share our cultural background and stories. To share a meal means more than simply eating together.

Taste Different sought to make use of this diversity through food in an effort to create a venue for marginalised adults living in Turkey, Poland and Denmark. A venue where marginalised men and women could met and through informal activities share cultural backgrounds, prepare and share dishes and in turn work towards a common recognition of the value found in diversity, together with developing language and ICT skills.


  • VFIN Videnscenter for integration (Denmark);
  • Bartin Belediyesi (Turkey).
1.2 RPO

1.2 RPO

Development of “Center of Education and Enterprise Support” Association through implementation of a package of new services for entrepreneurs

Development of “Center of Education and Enterprise Support” Association through implementation of a package of new services for entrepreneurs
Implementation period: 01.10.2011 – 15.06.2013
Assistance program: Regional Operational Programme of Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Project number: UDA-RPPK.01.02.00-18-001/10-00

Project description:

Project is addressed to the entrepreneurs from the SME sector, who are interested in counselling support in the field of modern ICT implementation through active portal.

The portal will consist of three modules:

1) informative – including information related to implementation of modern ICT aspects in enterprises,
2) data exchange services and counselling support for enterprises – the module will remotely support with counselling regarding the opportunities to implement advanced ICT aspects in a given enterprise,
3) packages of advanced e-learning training – including e-learning courses devoted to the implementation of ICT aspects.

The results of the project

  • creation of active platform designed for SME,
  • counselling services for SME in the field of modern ICT implementation.

Target group

Enterprises from SME sector from Podkarpackie voivodeship willing to implement modern ICT.


Three partnership agreements were signed within the project framework for use of the project effects with institutions supporting MŚP from Podkarpackie voivodeship:

  • Malopolska Institute of Economy in Rzeszow,
  • Association „Informatyka Podkarpacka”,
  • Association for women „VICTORIA”.

We invest in the development of Podkarpackie Province


rpo zestaw znakow kolor ang



Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund within Regional Operational Programme for the Podkarpackie Region for the years 2007-2013 and from the state budget

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