

Implementation period: 01.08.2012 – 30.08.2014
Assistance program: Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
Project number: 2012-1-GR1-GRU06-10482 8

Project description:

„ReAge” – Reactivating senior citizens and youngsters In society

The aim of this project was to create a unique environment basing on mutual learning process among seniors and youngsters. The spreading of a cross-generation learning was the main aim of the project, and thanks to exchanging information and knowledge among target groups and popularising the elicitation of seniors, the partnership disseminated information about problems met by seniors and was trying to eliminate them.

The aim of the project was achieved by organising different events and workshops on a local level.

The results of the project

Results of the project are: project website, project brochure and portable exhibitions containing seniors’ belongings of a significant value.

Target group
Seniors (especially those who face social exclusion) and youngsters.


  • VFIN Videnscenter for integration (Denmark);
  • Bartin Belediyesi (Turkey).
Taste Different

Taste Different

Taste Different
Implementation period: 01.08.2012 – 31.07.2014
Assistance program: Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig
Project number: 2012-1-IT2-GRU06-37670 4

Project description:

A large number of marginalised people are found across Europe. Due to lack of education, job opportunities and to some extent language training or ICT skills, they are at risk of social exclusion. The Taste Different project sought to promote active inclusion through something as simple as food.

It is universally accepted that food and the preparation of food is a key activity for human beings; the number of articles presented daily in the media, of published cook books and of the amount of money spend on our daily bread all point to this. Furthermore food has an ability to bring people together, to make us talk and share our cultural background and stories. To share a meal means more than simply eating together.

Taste Different sought to make use of this diversity through food in an effort to create a venue for marginalised adults living in Turkey, Poland and Denmark. A venue where marginalised men and women could met and through informal activities share cultural backgrounds, prepare and share dishes and in turn work towards a common recognition of the value found in diversity, together with developing language and ICT skills.


  • VFIN Videnscenter for integration (Denmark);
  • Bartin Belediyesi (Turkey).
1.2 RPO

1.2 RPO

Development of “Center of Education and Enterprise Support” Association through implementation of a package of new services for entrepreneurs

Development of “Center of Education and Enterprise Support” Association through implementation of a package of new services for entrepreneurs
Implementation period: 01.10.2011 – 15.06.2013
Assistance program: Regional Operational Programme of Podkarpackie Voivodeship
Project number: UDA-RPPK.01.02.00-18-001/10-00

Project description:

Project is addressed to the entrepreneurs from the SME sector, who are interested in counselling support in the field of modern ICT implementation through active portal.

The portal will consist of three modules:

1) informative – including information related to implementation of modern ICT aspects in enterprises,
2) data exchange services and counselling support for enterprises – the module will remotely support with counselling regarding the opportunities to implement advanced ICT aspects in a given enterprise,
3) packages of advanced e-learning training – including e-learning courses devoted to the implementation of ICT aspects.

The results of the project

  • creation of active platform designed for SME,
  • counselling services for SME in the field of modern ICT implementation.

Target group

Enterprises from SME sector from Podkarpackie voivodeship willing to implement modern ICT.


Three partnership agreements were signed within the project framework for use of the project effects with institutions supporting MŚP from Podkarpackie voivodeship:

  • Malopolska Institute of Economy in Rzeszow,
  • Association „Informatyka Podkarpacka”,
  • Association for women „VICTORIA”.

We invest in the development of Podkarpackie Province


rpo zestaw znakow kolor ang



Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund within Regional Operational Programme for the Podkarpackie Region for the years 2007-2013 and from the state budget

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Project Podcasting

Implementation period: 01.10.2011 – 15.06.2013
Assistance program: Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Podkarpackiego
Project number: UDA-RPPK.01.02.00-18-001/10-00

Project description:

Learning without borders: podcasting across the wider Europe

Following joint research into the new approaches to learning needed to support students who, for differing reasons, cannot access lifelong learning by full-time attendance at a local training centre, Leeds City College has worked with partners from Greece, Latvia, Poland and Romania.

The aims of the project were to:

  • Review the use of podcasting (audio/media broadcasting over the internet) to promote independently accessed learning for a wide range of target audiences disadvantaged in their access to learning, eg by disability, geographical location or working patterns;
  • Develop appropriate resources / standard protocols to meet the growing demand for a flexible approach to learning by a growing number of learners who need to fit working life into the framework of learning new skills;
  • Involve students from each partner organisation to meet the first two aims of the project and to develop their own employability skills – commitment, self-confidence, team working, use of own initiative – all in demand by employers across Europe.

The results of the project
PThe project was disseminated through the project blog and facebook; in addition, each country followed the Project Dissemination Action Plan to maximise national awareness of the project (copies of all supporting documentation in Report Annexes).


  • e-learning platform:, created by Action Synergy (the Greek partner of the project) which hosted details of the assignments and tasks of the students as well as the project documentation,
  • blog for use by students:, was created with the use of the “blogger” platform,
  • Facebook page of the, the project created a facebook page in order to maintain informal communication and contacts between its members,
  • Technical Handbook: Created to provide guidelines and instructions on how to use the tools which have been used and / or developed for the project,
  • student visit documentation which was used to support student participation in each visit to show the “distance travelled”,

Target group

  • organizations carrying out educational activities for adults,
  • organizations or centers vocational training,
  • vocational schools.


  • Park Lane College Leeds (UK),
  • UETP Action Link / Action Synergy S.A.(Greece),
  • Riga Teacher Training & Educational Management Academy (Latvia),
  • Vilnius Pedagogical University (Lithuania),
  • Grup Scolar Dimitrie Leonida Petrosani (Romania).
Project Energy Sustainability

Project Energy Sustainability

Energy Sustainability
Implementation period: 06.2010 – 11.2012
Assistance program: Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE)
Project number: IEE/09/667/SI2.558230

Project description:

European Network of Information Centres Energy Sustainability and CO2 reduction among local COMmunities ENESCOM

Increasing the role of local communities in mitigating climate change by creating a common methodology, which will contribute to capacity building for sustainable management / energy management and adoption of smart policies for local strategies for renewable energy (CO2 reduction) in the local community of European states.

The project will promote the integration and institutionalization in these communities, the issue of energy efficiency, savings and renewable energy sources, by establishing partnership with various actors (public administration, business, citizens).

The main objective will be achieved through:

  • promotion of Mayors Initiative (Covenant of Mayors), and facilitation to join local and regional authorities of the countries participating in the project to this initiative and formalize the activities of other public and private parties under the Agreement;
  • estimate the amount of intelligent energy use and demand in the involved countries to develop and implement comprehensive plans to use the Intelligent (Sustainable) Energy, according to the specific area based on intelligent policy of energy efficiency, capable of generating the concept of sustainable energy development;
  • creating teaching methods and the dissemination of knowledge among stakeholders;
  • improve the skills of local authorities and politicians in the elaboration of the intelligent energy use plans and in implementing relevant laws and regulations;
  • provide a basis for knowledge transfer;

The results of the project

  • Increase the number of communities involved in the fight against climate change, by aiming to reduce CO2 emissions, energy conservation, increase in energy consumption from renewable sources and employment growth in the renewable energy sector.
  • Establish Action Plan for Intelligent Energy in the areas involved in the project in accordance with the guidelines of Mayors.
  • Develop tools and services for local communities to inform and advice on renewable energy, competitiveness, innovation and ways of integration and institutionalization of the intelligent use of energy in each area of activity.

Target group

  • Business, industry, public administration, politicians,
  • Planners, engineers.


  • Unione di Comuni Valle del Samoggia (Italy),
  • Assocjazzjoni Kunsilli Lokali (Malta),
  • Kelet-magyarországi európai Kezdeményezések Alapitvány (Hungary),
  • České vysoké učení technické v Praze (Czech Republic),
  • Anaptiksiaki Dimotiki Epichirisi Patras S.A. (Greece),
  • Progresit, občianske združenie (Slovakia),
  • Regionalna razvojna agencija Mura d.o.o. (Slovenia),
  • Iniciativas Casmor S.L. (Spain),
  • Powys County Council (United Kingdom),
  • Agentia Pentru Dezvoltare Regional Centru (Romania),
  • Fédération Regionale des Centres d’Initiatives pour l’Agriculture Valoriser et le Milieu Rural de Bretagne (France),
  • INFORMED – Udruga for poticanje zapošljavanja, stručnog usavršavanja and obrazovanja (Hungary),
  • Agencia Energia Cascais (Portugal).


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Project GEPP

Projekt GEPP
Implementation period: 01.08.2009 – 31.07.2011
Assistance program: Lifelong Learning ProgrammeGrundtvig
Project number: 2009-1-AT1-GRU06-01530 4

Project description:

The main objective of the project was to provide training courses and support for disadvantaged groups, which will help in maintaining or obtaining employment.

Created a platform that contains a collection of good practices, examples and tips on how to support people from exclusion – social and vocational – groups (the disabled, immigrants, people over 50 years of age, ethnic and religious minorities, people with low education, single parents, immigrants and former prisoners). The main objective of the project was to provide training courses and support for disadvantaged groups, which will help in maintaining or obtaining employment.

Implementation of the project is due to a large variation in the approach to the problem in EU countries. The project is therefore also to provide a place to discuss the shape of support for people at risk of exclusion, to facilitate understanding of the diversity of cultural, social and economic development in Europe and its effects on employment and activities and enable it to support the exchange of knowledge and good practices.

The platform is used against the rights of European countries in the prevention of unemployment, the establishment of the partnership rules for determining the effectiveness of programs to prevent unemployment, to discuss and gather (by the institutions participating in the project) tools and training for people at risk of exclusion, the publication of these reports and includes a discussion forum for cooperation in the field of vocational training in the European Union.

Project platform:

The results of the project

Created a platform for collecting examples of best practices, help to enter the labor market for those who are excluded and maintain employment.

Target group

Schools (including vocational education), vocational counselors, employers.


  • Karriere Club (Austria) – Coordinator,
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants Ltd (United Kingdom),
  • Interattiva S.a.s. (Italy),
  • Institut Republike Slovenije za Rehabilitacijo (Slovenia),
  • Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu Kolledž (Estonia),
  • MEROSYSTEM s.r.o. (Czech Republic),
  • Arbes Gesellshaft für Arbeitsförderung, Bzeschäftigung und Strukturentwicklung mbH (Germany),
  • Regionális Szociális Forrásközpont Kht. (Hungary).

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Project PsyConsult

Project PsyConsult
Implementation period: 01.08.2009 – 31.07.2011
Assistance program: DG Edukacja i Kultura Program Uczenie się przez całe życie Leonardo da Vinci
Project number: 2009-1-AT1-LEO04-01500 3

Project description:

To support psychologists working as counselors, through the creation of the course for this target group, and website.

The project results from the perceived problems in the process of psychologists education (limited to theoretical knowledge and teaching abilities at the expense of clients / patients) and specificity of working as a professional counsellor. The main objective of the project was achieved through establishing cooperation between European institutions involved in the labour market, the exchange of knowledge and good practices in the field of professional counselling, which in turn has lead to the creation of a training course for psychologists counselors.

The results of the project

Created course and website for the target group.

Target group

Psychologists, including self-employed.


  • Karriere Club (Austria),
  • OAKE Europe (United Kingdom),
  • Arbes Gesellshaft für Arbeitsförderung, Beschäftigung und Strukturentwicklung mbH (Germany).

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Project Discoverer

Implementation period: 03.01.2009 – 30.08.2009
Assistance program: Młodzież w działaniu
Project number: PL-12-276-2008-R4

Project description:

Discoverer – Searching and Promotion of Intercultural Heritage

Activation of young inhabitants of Rzeszow and Palermo through searching for intercultural heritage of these cities.

The results of the project

Implementation of portal together with the series of articles and photo galery, organization of photo exhibitions in Rzeszow and Palermo and implementation of documentary movies and guides about both cities.

Target group

Young inhabitants of Rzeszow and Palermo interested with history and heritage of their city.


  • CESIE – Centro Studi Ed Iniziative Europeo (Włochy).

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Get to know your city

Get to know your city
Implementation period: 03.01.2008 – 30.04.2008
Assistance program: Młodzież w działaniu
Project number: PL-12-186-2007-R4

Project description:

Increase of local awareness as well as knowledge about history and heritage of the city by its young inhabitants.

The results of the project

Implementation of lectures, photo exhibition and tours on the city for young persons.

Target group

Young inhabitants of Rzeszow interested with history and heritage of the city.

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