EnviroVET – Promoting and Tracking Environmental Sustainability in VET

EnviroVET – Promoting and Tracking Environmental Sustainability in VET

Implementation period: 01.01.2022 – 01.01.2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-VET000028039

Project description:

The European Commission has set the ambitious goal of achieving the climate neutrality by the year 2050 (Green Comp/2020). This aim can only be achieved if respective initiatives are started right now and ignite relevant changes in the understanding, perception and implementation of environmental-friendly attitudes are implemented throughout all the levels of the entire economy. The need of transition to a “greener” both production and consumption has been at the agenda of not only developing, but also already developed countries and economies (UNESCO/2017). The United Nations has adopted a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. Goal 9 defines emerging need to update infrastructure and retrofit industries to convert them to more sustainable initiatives. This can be achieved through the increased efficiency of the use of the resources and adoption of clean solutions within industrial processes by 2030.

Goal 12 defines sustainable management of natural resources by 2030. The emerging need of the shift towards resource efficient economy and processes requires changes introduced on a systemic level. By 2030 1 million jobs will be created because of a shift towards low carbon economy. This will result in the need of either reskilling or upskilling of more than 120 million people living in the EU in the period of the next 5 years (EC/2020). The changes needed are starting to be visible right now, today. New set of skills, both soft and technical, are becoming an emerging need. Those skills will make it possible to take an active part in the economic activities, and change the way people live, described as “green culture”, is also needed (Green Comp/2020). According to UNESCO, green skills in the workplace can lead to the increased resilience and adaptability of all levels of employees that will contribute to green growth, planetary health and societal resilience (UNESCO/2017). The positive impact on the environment will require new set of skills for many of the future jobs. EnviroVET plans to contribute and support this shift by providing relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to VET institutions, VET professionals and VET learners in order to develop a resource-efficient and sustainable society. Only through a common effort at all levels of the economy and industry, the real change could be made. We all, as the humanity, are equally responsible for making it happen.

Target Group:

  • VET trainers

Project’s Results:

  • R1. EnviroVET Best Practice Toolkit,
  • R2. R EnviroVET Environmental Charter,
  • R3. EnviroVET Environmental Impact Measurement Tool,
  • R4. R EnviroVET Facilitator eCourse.

Project website: https://envirovet.erasmus.site/


NEXT – The next generation is shaping the EU’s digital society

NEXT – The next generation is shaping the EU’s digital society

Implementation period: 01.03.2022 – 01.11.2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2021-2-PL01-KA220-YOU-000049755

Project description:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to play a major role in shaping global competitiveness and productivity over the next couple of decades, granting early adopters significant societal, economic, and strategic advantages. As the pace of AI innovation and development picks up—underpinned by advancements in big data and high-performance computing—the United States and China are both in the driver’s seat.
Europe, meanwhile, despite having certain advantages such as a strong industrial base and leading AI research and talent, is punching far below its weight. This state of affairs is especially due to the fragmentation of the EU’s digital market, difficulties in attracting human capital and external investment, and the lack of commercial competitiveness.

Target Group:

  • VET teacher/trainers
  • Young people (Millennials) interested in setting up their own Virtual Agency

Project’s Results:

  • PR1. #NEXT Documentary
  • PR2.#NEXT Curriculum on teaching soft skills
  • PR3.#NEXT Toolkit for trainers.
  • PR4.#NEXT eLearning platform.
  • PR5.#NEXT Outreach campaign
  • PR6.#NEXT Policy Recommendation.

Project website: https://next.erasmus.site/


  • Bit Schulungscenter GmbH– GRAZ, Austria
  • Eurasia Institute of Research Association and Development (EIRD) – Eskisehir, Turkey
  • Fthia in action – LAMIA, Greece
B-ECO – Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs project

B-ECO – Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs project

Implementation period: 01.01.2022 – 01.01.2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000033038

Project description:

Entrepreneurs are an important pillar of the EU economy, and it is essential to provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. B-ECO would not only train them in important competencies and skills (based on EntreComp), and tools but also with the ability to become innovative and to stand out in the market instead of drowning on it. According to the EC: “By supporting new processes, technologies and services that make business greener, eco-innovation helps Europe optimise its growth potential while addressing our common challenges.” Through the guide of experts in this area, our partners will contribute with their wide experience finding best practices, case studies, lessons learnt and future opportunities. During the project, we will deliver training and practical managerial education among training providers from partner’s countries through an innovative training focused on eco-entrepreneurship, innovation and management on eco-businesses, and a new and innovative e-learning platform oriented to create a unique space of shared knowledge and experiences between course users.

Target Group:

  • VET trainers in the eco-entrepreneurial sector
  • entrepreneurs
  • potential entrepreneurs
  • unemployed people
  • start-ups

Project’s Results:

  • PR1 The Eco-Entrepreneurs Training Course – a training programme which will improve the awareness, experience and skills required for low-skilled young people to become an entrepreneur in the eco-entrepreneurial sector that has been affected by the COVID.
  • PR2 Didactic materials for VET Teachers Didactic materials aim at supporting VET trainers and educators in using the e-learning platform and the B-ECO Branches during their entrepreneurship sessions.
  • PR3 Case Studies Collection “Greatest hits”- The collection of case studies will be a publication showing at least 30 examples of successful eco-entrepreneurial businesses which will serve as inspiration and motivation for entrepreneurial education.
  • PR4 Social Eco E-Learning Platform online learning modules for courses with some course authoring tools in order to make feasible the development of highly interactive and innovative courses.

Project website: https://b-eco.erasmus.site/


  • The University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia (coordinator)
  • Euphoria Net Srl, Rome, Italy

Find out more:




Digital Mentor Power- DMP

Digital Mentor Power- DMP

Implementation period: 01.03.2021 – 28.02.2023
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-TR01-KA226-VET-098418

Project description:

38% of the current Teachers workforce are over 50 years and are less condifent and more fearful of using Digital tools (Eurostat, 2020). Graduate teachers want more and better training to face the social challenges and inexperience they are confronted with. Collaborative School culture is the solution! (Eurodyce,2020). Therefore, need for the digitalization of the education system is a EU-Wide fact (Index of Readiness for Digital Lifelong Learning). The Digital Mentor Power Project aims to improve the learning process in EU schools by enhancing the digital skills and competences of European Teachers through the development of the Digital Mentor Power Platform! This goal will be reached by:
1) identifying teachers who are skilled in a range of digital skills and different digital tools. We call these, Digital Mentors.
2) identifying teachers who need digital training. In return, these teachers will support their often-unexperienced colleagues with resources and advice regarding pedagogical methods. We call these, Pedagogical Experts

Target Group:

  • Teachers
  • Learners

Project’s Results:

Digital Mentor Power Platform- an innovative tool that will enable experienced teachers (Pedagogical Experts – PE) to learn technological competencies and find new ways to tailor technology to their specific subject by exchanging knowledge in a “peer learning” concept with novel teachers (Digital Mentors-DM) who are skilled in a range of digital skills. In return, PE who receive the digital training, will support their DM with resources and advice regarding pedagogical methods. The DMP platform will be a place where both DM and PE can register, meet and pair up and will also contain a rich database of digital tools and pedagogical advice where PE will be able to select and receive an Individual Master Class from their paired Mentor and vice-versa.

Project website: https://dmpower.erasmus.site/


  • CENTRE FOR EDUCATION, Manacor, Spain
  • LudusXR Aps, Odense NV, Denmark
  • Ricarda Huch Schule, Kiel, Germany
  • PRZEDSIEBIORCZOSCI, Rzeszów,  Poland
  • Zespol Szkol im ks. dra Jana Zwierza, Ropczyce, Poland


Follow-us – NEETs as Social Media Managers for SMEs

Follow-us – NEETs as Social Media Managers for SMEs

Implementation period: 01.11.2021 – 01.05.2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034691

Project description:

The projects’ main objective is to use the existing digital and personal skills of NEETs to inspire, motivate and re-integrate them with innovative training-tools, services and methods to develop their skills as Social Media Managers and connect them to SMEs who need their services. By following this win-win strategy, these vulnerable youth will find a future career
while becoming positive members of society, and SMEs will be able to request and use online content for the digital and financial improvement of the organisation. This will be achieved through a holistic approach by a multi-skilled team, which through counselling, mentoring, training, and follow-up will guide them to new opportunities. This approach also involves
finding a way to address the main issues NEETs are facing, which are social exclusion, disconnection from groups, and demotivation to become again part of the active society. These innovations and actions will combat unemployment of NEETs as they will directly increase their participation in education and training, and support them to find sustainable
work which can also easily be carried out remotely.

Target Group:

  • NEETSs
  • Trainers
  • Socio Inclusion workers
  • SMEs

Project’s Results:

  • R1: The Follow-us Training Programme for NEETs- an innovative full educational plan aimed at training, motivating, and re-activating NEETs by using Social Media as core content. This unprecedented programme of 125 hours will be tailor-made for the projects’ target groups and will enable them to become Community Managers who offer their services to Small and Medium enterprises
  • R2: The Trainer UpSkill courseThis online course based on the NEETs Programme, will train and educate Socio Inclusion workers in a new and effective manner to become knowledgeable and successful trainers of the Follow-us Training programme for NEETs. The Trainer UpSkill Course will be designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skill to the Follow-us trainers in a convenient way: It will be structured in form of Modules and contain subjects of Social Media, Digital Marketing, Key Competence training methods and Employment & Entrepreneurship support
  • R3: The Follow-us Platforma Web and Mobile Platform, that will allow, on the one hand, SMEs to request free social media services in form of one-off jobs, and on the other hand, young people to offer these services by applying what they have learned in “The Follow-us Programme for NEETs”, with the objective to obtain a Community Manager certificate after successfully completing 10 one-off jobs (traineeship). The app will furthermore enable students to gain experience, create a network of contacts, and increase employability. Trainers will also have their place in the App by interacting with students to answer possible questions or difficult situations that may appear

Project website: https://follow-us.org/


  • Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Mallorca, Palma, Spain
  • Asociatia TEAM 4 Excellence,  Constanta, Romania
  • As. Camera de Comert Italiana pentru Romania, Bucharest, Romania


STAND UP: Fighting cyberbullying by identifying it in the VET classroom

STAND UP: Fighting cyberbullying by identifying it in the VET classroom

Implementation period: 01.02.2022 – 01.02.2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034210

Project description:

STAND UP is a project focused on the fight against cyberbullying in VET, especially in IVET and middle VET. Cyberbullying is usually focused and studied only in primary and compulsory secondary education. Most of the available studies and materials are focused on students under sixteen years old corresponding to compulsory education, as is the case of Save the Children or Unicef studies. However, VET students, who are usually positioned between 16-24 years old, are not normally the subject of such studies, although if we look at the percentages of the 2017 Unicef study it is clear that bullying goes up as age goes up (there were 14% of participants victims of cyberbullying under 14 years old, and 15% under 16), from which it can be derived that students between 16 and 20 years old still need tools to help them in this area. And even more importantly, teachers, trainers and workers in VET centers who are in contact with these students need tools to know how to manage cyberbullying crises. In this context, the need that STAND UP seeks to fill is the lack of training given explicitly to VET teachers, as well as content designed for VET students. Not only that, it also seeks to give a tool that provides support to teachers, who in many cases have already denounced the danger they see in cyberbullying, and how it is increasing due to the widespread use of mobile phones among adolescents and young people. At the same time, the aim is to provide a tool to help students who suffer from cyberbullying, through a mobile application that allows quick access to regional or national contact information, and that provides tools to raise awareness among students about the importance of the fight against cyberbullying.

Target groups:

  • VET Teachers
  • Educators
  • VET and middle VET professionals
  • VET students

Project results:

  • R1Creation of a training specifically designed for VET trainers on how to detect and fight cyberbullying in the classroom, with content specifically designed for potential confinement situations and online education. The teacher training will be supported by practical content that helps teachers understand how to act in each potential situation, and how to promote a trusting classroom environment that helps potential victims of cyberbullying to come forward and seek help.
  • R2 Creation of training designed specifically for students, in the form of visual and clear content to encourage students to pay attention and understand the information contained. The training will provide the student with information on how to act in the event of cyberbullying, as well as behavioural tools for those students who believe they are witnessing cyberbullying. The content of this training will be summarized in visual posters that will be shared on the project’s Instagram, to bring such content closer to the students.
  • R3Creation of a mobile application in which both the training content for teachers and the content for VET students will be available. The mobile application will also contain a database with contacts at regional, national and European level, a repository of useful resources available in the European Union (such as complementary applications, articles, reports…), and lists of factors that may denote a case of cyberbullying, to serve as a behavioural map in case of doubts of cyberbullying in the classroom.

Project Partner:

Coordinator :

ACCIÓN LABORAL – Valladolid, Spain



Eurospeak Limited- Dublin, Ireland

Dias VET- Karditsa, Greece

Innohub- Valencia, Spain

Project website: https://standup.erasmus.site/

GameON – Overcome youth uNemployment through digital entrepreneurship

GameON – Overcome youth uNemployment through digital entrepreneurship

Implementation period: 01-01-2022 – 01-01-2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000028541

Project description:

“GameON: Overcome youth unemployment through digital entrepreneurship” aims at helping young people overcome unemployment by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to become entrepreneurs in the digital sector. GameON is especially addressed at the youngsters of the EU, which are one of the sectors at higher risk of exclusion due to the actual crisis. Entrepreneurship is a key tool in the fight towards unemployment, as it serves as a double weapon. On the one hand, the person becomes an entrepreneur is no longer unemployed. And on the other hand, a successful entrepreneur can even be able to hire employees, facilitating the access to employment for other citizens in need. However, many times young people do not believe entrepreneurship to be a path they can take, as they find many obstacles towards the successful starting of a business. For this reason, GameON aims at helping them overcome these issues and learn how to become entrepreneurs, especially focusing on the digital entrepreneurship as it is an area where young people have a competitive advantage, being born in a digital environment.

Target groups:

  • Young unemployed people
  • Entrepreneurs

Project results:

  • R1: GameON: Simulation game for digital entrepreneurship. GameON partnership will create a simulation game, fully interactive and focused on promoting entrepreneurship and digital business among our target group.
  • R2: Digital Entrepreneurship Guidelines. Main aim of them is providing the final users with relevant information and explanation of all the concepts and tools that would be necessary for them when becoming digital entrepreneurs.

Project Partner:

Asociación Valencia Inno Hub– Valencia, Spain (koordynator)



Euphoria Net Srl – Rome, Italy


Project website: https://gameon.erasmus.site/

MC VIEW – Media literacy and Critical VIEWing as effective outreach to learning throughout  life by people with fewer opportunities

MC VIEW – Media literacy and Critical VIEWing as effective outreach to learning throughout life by people with fewer opportunities

Implementation period: 01.11.2021 – 30.11.2023
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000033539

Project description:

The actual and appropriate use of new technologies depends on achieving a level of competence in this area, since disinformation as false, inaccurate or misleading can cause harm to our society. There is therefore a need for specific media literacy initiatives that provide the ability to think critically and detect disinformation. This project aims to develop tools that help the target audience interpret the internal content of a programme, interpret its design, recognise external forces and factors shaping the programme, compare media representations with reality and respond to the potential impact of television form and content. What is needed here is systemic action and support for both adults and their educators. In this context, the project is also innovative for the whole partnership.

Target groups:

The target groups of the MC-VIEW project are members of disadvantaged groups (low-skilled, unemployed, adults at risk of poverty, etc.) and adult educators. Moreover, the project will create tools for institutions that support and care for disadvantaged adults, such as: adult education centres; social welfare institutions, adult schools, third age universities, associations supporting disadvantaged adults and fighting against social exclusion, as well as local and regional government education departments and adult educators.

Project results:

PR1: Self-study course “MC-VIEW” training materials. PR2: Personalised approach to media literacy in the digital environment. Together it will be a comprehensive online and personalised media skills training within the “Centre” application, which will act as an artificial intelligence-based set of mechanisms and algorithms that, through a profiling session, will be able to organise all training content in the most effective way for specific users. The result will be the ability to create individual and tailored learning paths, ensuring a better quality of the learning process.

Project Partner:

Institute of Pedagogy University of Rzeszów – Rzeszów, Poland (Coordinator)

Centre for Supporting Education and Entrepreneurship “CWEP” – Rzeszów, Poland

Mindshift Talent Advisory lda – Lisbon, Portugal

LABC S.R.L. – Turin, Italy



Project website: https://mc-view.erasmus.site/

DIGITAL Z-WOMEN: Empower Gen-Z women with digital entrepreneurship skills

DIGITAL Z-WOMEN: Empower Gen-Z women with digital entrepreneurship skills

Implementation period: 01.01.2022 – 01.01.2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000024882

Project description:

DIGITAL Z-WOMEN is designed to empower women from Generation Z with digital entrepreneurship skills, helping them to take advantage of the opportunities raised by digital transformation and thrive in a world of work that is going digital quite fast, even more in the pandemic emergency we are dealing with.

The objectives of DIGITAL Z-WOMEN project and its partnership are to:

*identify role models to serve as good, ethical and reliable examples of digital entrepreneurs and the work they do;

*develop and test a bespoke training path on digital entrepreneurship for Gen-Z women, as well guidelines and tips to support VET professionals in facilitating training on the mentioned topics;

*develop a learning hub that provides Gen-Z women and the VET professionals that work with them with interactive, comprehensive and open-access learning opportunities.

Project website: digitalzwomen.erasmus.site


  • Coordinator: Educational Association, z. s – Czech Republic
  • Mindshift Talent Advisory – Portugal
  • Coopérative d’Activité et d’Emploi dans les Services A la Personne et la Silver Economie – France
  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości (CWEP) – Poland
  • Inthecity Project Development – Netherlands
  • Coneqt – Denmark
  • Found.ation – Greece
  • IDP – Italy
ADE – Adjust your school to the challenges of modern, Digital vocational Education

ADE – Adjust your school to the challenges of modern, Digital vocational Education

Implementation period: 01.03.2021 – 28.02.2023
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-TR01-KA226-VET-098418

Project description:

The highly infectious COVID-19 disease, declared a pandemic by World Health Organization, has changed the educational panorama of the world in a very short time. In the face of global school closures, all educational systems have faced striking challenges in moving from traditional methods of learning to online/distant teaching-learning environments. Latest surveys suggest that VET learners might be at disadvantaged compared to learners from other educational tracks as more efforts are put into general school subjects, and less in typical vocational content. Hence, this project aims to contribute to maintaining the continuity of VET in the field of tourism by introducing digital VET opportunities. This will ensure that students get the most of their education and training and they are less affected by the crisis situation.

Target Group:

Principals, teachers, parents, students and stakeholders.

Project’s Results:

Stakeholders in the field of tourism including businesses such as hotels, restaurants, trade associations and employment agency will be consulted during material and strategy development. The needs of the target groups will be addressed in the following manner:

  • Administration-principals: they will be provided with digital solutions to the immediate problem
  • Teachers: they will be given tools to improve school education via the teacher training course, individualized pathways to learning and OERs as well as the Q&A space that will provide mentoring and coaching.
  • Students and parents: they will be provided with strategies to socially and culturally adapt to the new mode of learning. School leaving due to low skill levels of lack of adaptation will be minimized.

The two main outputs of the project would be:

  • O1: Set of guides for digital vocational education in the tourism sector
  • O2: Virtual ADE advisor – individualized space for improving digital qualifications of a vocational teacher

Project website: https://ade.erasmus.site/


  • Izzet Baysal Abant Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey) – COORDINATOR
  • Bolu Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey)
  • Sea Teach S.L. (Spain)