DiSC – Digital Security for Senior Citizens

DiSC – Digital Security for Senior Citizens

Implementation period: 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-082121

Project description:

Cybersecurity is one of the most important and ‘hot topics’ within the European Commission, but the policy level focus, naturally is on Strategic planning at Pan-European level, with a strong focus on IoT, Industry, Digital infrastructure, Education and other fast moving industries and sectors which are vulnerable to cybersecurity and data breaches. This is highlighted by the initiation of a Network of National Coordination Centres, a Cybersecurity Competence Community and a European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre by the European Commission in 2017. By 2022, cybersecurity ratings will become as important as credit ratings for businesses and websites (Gartner Innovation Insight for Security Rating Services, 2018).

Target groups:

  • low-skilled senior citizens aged 55+.

Project website: https://disc.erasmus.site/

Project outputs:

O1: Framework of Digital Security Competences – will define the key components of competences needed by senior citizens to effectively integrate digital security protocols into their localised contexts, as well as to provide and validate an EU reference framework for developing and evaluating digital security competences;

O2: Digital Security Benchmarking Tool – tool for use by senior citizens seeking to assess their level of digital security competency;

O3: DiSC Digital Board Game – online game will be a digital version of a typical turn-based board game;

O4: Digital Security for Senior Citizens Piloting and Impact Assessment Report and Policy Recommendations – This output will produce an evidence-based impact assessment report which will present the feedback gathered from each of the piloting phases and stakeholder engagement activities, an analysis of the findings and give policy recommendations based on the assessed impact at local, regional, national and European level.


  • CWEP – Rzeszow, Poland (coordinator)
  • FYG Consultores – Valencia, Spain
  • E-Seniors – Paris, France
  • Cuiablue– Reading, United Kingdom
  • InnoHive – Larissa, Greece
StartCraft – Training for managerial competences in VET for the small businesses of the crafts sector

StartCraft – Training for managerial competences in VET for the small businesses of the crafts sector

Implementation period: 31.10.2020 – 30.09.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-BE01-KA202-074896

Project description:

The craft company plays a fundamental role in people’s quality of life and dignity and, as it can have an impact on the stability and cohesion of society; it is an indispensable part of the future. However, in a highly competitive economy, a good know-how is not always enough to develop a successful business project.

The main objective of StartCraft is to address the training needs of crafts entrepreneurs in key transversal skills based on new updated research, and strengthen their business activities. StartCraft is a EU partnership designed to develop core and innovative learning methods that best encourage success in business activities, answering the need for education and training thanks to an innovative proposal based on participation and ICTs.

Target groups:

  • Craft entrepreneurs;
  • Entrepreneurs from VET cycles in crafts related fields (sewing and fashion, food processing, woodwork, furniture…

Project website : https://startcraft.erasmus.site/

Project outputs:

O1: Mobile report about crafts entrepreneurship teaching and crafts entrepreneurial skills demand according to representatives from the sector– Mobile report will have a form of interactive resource which will allow for searching and filtering the answers using various criteria (e.g. the user will be able to choose the skill and based on that the methods developing this skill will be presented, or search the skills that are the most demanded on the market by the craft entrepreneurs, etc) and will reveal the most needed skills. It will be also available as mobile app for quick reference from any place via the phone. In addition,to make it more attractive, it will include tips for self-development for educators and learners.

O2: STARTCRAFTS training package – The package will be a collection of tools regarding the main entrepreneurial and soft skills needed by the craft entrepreneurs as identified in the first output.

O3: Market training tool – The market training tool will be an interactive online tool available on the STARTCRAFTS platform, so having the same entrance door as the training course and having as objective to support craft learners to simulate their business idea in a real based market context.

O4: Teaching notes for VET trainers – those notes will help to complete the online training with recommendations and pedagogical contents to increase the benefits to the final user


  • Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg – Bruxelles, Belgium (coordinator)
  • KAINOTOMIA & SIA EE – Larisa, Greece
  • CWEP – Rzeszow, Poland
  • Valencia Innohub – Valencia, Spain
  • Markeut Skills – Picassent Valencia, Spain
  • Smooland – Lucca, Italy
  • WICI – Bełchatów, Poland
  • Center for Social Innovation Ltd – Nicosia, Cyprus


Implementation period: 01.11.2020 – 31.10.2022
Project number:101005690 — F2L – Free2Link — REC Action Grant

Project description:

Free2Link project aims at connecting organisations working in asylum systems, integration programmes and support to victims of trafficking across Italy, Greece and Poland to increase the ability of their frontline staff, as well as public and private networks, in the early identification of victims of e-trafficking. Despite being on the rise as one of the main methods to lure and force women and girls into trafficking in Europe, e-trafficking remains poorly understood and therefore poorly addressed in the receiving countries. It is paramount, in the rationale of the action, not only to link frontline staff, private and public bodies already operating in support of victims of trafficking, but to provide them with updated knowledge of its new manifestations and innovative tools to contrast it, with the aim of promoting dialogue, support and policy-making.

Through the F2L project a solid multi-stakeholder network that includes civil society organisations and public authorities join forces to elaborate and disseminate knowledge to promote the early emergence of e-trafficking, including e-learning modules and an awareness-raising online platform. A special attention will be posed on:

  • Build updated and accessible knowledge on e-trafficking;
  • Create an online, multi-language, multi-user platform on e-trafficking accessible by staff and stakeholders to enhance early identification of victims of e-trafficking and e-recruitment;
  • Train frontline staff, public and private actors (including local authorities and law enforcement officials) on the use of the platform through face-to-face courses and e-learning modules;
  • Raise awareness on the phenomenon of e-trafficking. Dedicated dissemination and communication activities in Italy, Poland and Greece will be organised to mainstream the experience collected on e-trafficking among local actors and relevant European stakeholders, including regional authorities and representatives from other EU countries of destination.

Project website : https://free2link.eu/


  • Cooperativa Sociale Progetto Tenda – Italy
  • Danish Refugee Council – Greece
  • LABC S.R.L. – Italy
  • CWEP – Poland
  • Fondazione Innovazione Sociale per L’Italia – Italy
ECILP – European Certificate for Intercultural Learning Professionals

ECILP – European Certificate for Intercultural Learning Professionals

Implementation period: 01-10-2020 – 30-09-2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007583

Project description:

The project’s core aim is to enable recognition, transparency and comparability of qualifications and learning outcomes of IC (intercultural) service providers (i.e., IC trainers, advisors and coaches) through developing and establishing a framework of binding professional standards, regulations for the accreditation process and a self-assessment tool for IC providers. Such a framework will offer transparent, evidence-based, comprehensible and reliable guidelines for decision-making to clients, learners, IC service providers and institutions offering intercultural training qualifications. The regulations and self-assessment tool will provide information about the level of current qualification and guidance for achieving accreditation.

The results of the project will be elaborated to support its aim. Among others, there will be three Intellectual Outputs:

  1. ECILP – Set of Standards for European Certificate for Intercultural Learning Professionals
  2. GRR – Governance, Regulations and other Requirements for the ECILP Accreditation Process
  3. ECILP online self-assessment and validation centre


The main target group are VET trainers and VET providers already providing, or aiming to provide, professional intercultural services.

Project website: https://ecilp.erasmus.site/


  • Coordinator: SIETAR Deutschland e.V. – Germany
  • Assist Gesellschaft für Unternehmensberatung und Personalentwicklung mbH – Germany
  • I.B.I. Intercultural Business Improvement b.v. – Netherlands
  • CWEP – Poland
  • LABC S.R.L. – Italy
  • Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant – Netherlands
Cub@Work – Cultural Unconscious Bias in the workplace

Cub@Work – Cultural Unconscious Bias in the workplace

Implementation period: 01-10-2020 – 30-09-2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007418

Project description:

The project’s main aim is to develop competences of SMEs managers and recruitment staff in understanding, recognising, reflecting on and managing the unconscious bias and validating those competences in order to enable SMEs to recruit suitable personnel. The main objective will be achieved through developing the vocational education tool – CUB@work system.

Current partnership consists of 8 partners from 6 EU countries (DE, DK, PL, IE, IT, ES), covering wide range of expertise and experience related to the scope and aims of the CUB@work project. Current partners were chosen for their commitment, experience in the field of VET and/or intercultural training in their own country, experience in work VET learners, access to them and their theoretical and technical knowledge.

The expected project’s results are both, tangible and intangible.

  • The Unconscious Bias management toolbox – including 6 components providing tools for allowing self-assessing own unconscious bias, testing, analysing and gaining knowledge

and skills and validating them

  • CUB@work online training course – including 4 training modules aiming ad rising vocational competences of entrepreneurs and recruitment staff

Target groups:

  • Management and recruitment staff of SME,
  • VET trainers and public officials responsible for VET policy.

Project website: https://cubatwork.erasmus.site/


  • Coordinator: assist Gesellschaft für Unternehmensberatung und Personalentwicklung mbH– Germany
  • LABC – Italy
  • Co&so – Italy
  • Instalofi Levante – Spain
  • Institute of Technology Tralee – Ireland
  • Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza – Poland
  • CWEP – Poland
  • Brainlog – Denmark
VISE – Virtual Integrated Startups Ecosystem

VISE – Virtual Integrated Startups Ecosystem

Implementation period: 01-10-2020 – 30-09-2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-DK01-KA202-075044

Project description:

Understanding the significance of the EntreComp framework, partnership wants to use it as a reference for achieving the aim of the VISE project, which is to strengthen entrepreneurship competences of start-uppers and wannabe entrepreneurs in the field of 3 most needed areas of entrepreneurship (according to EntreComp framework) together with taking up digital technologies to strengthen their business activities.

The project will produce one main result: Virtual Integrated Start-ups Ecosystem but on the way to produce the final version of the ecosystem, smaller results will be elaborated. These are: methodology of research together with the tools (questionnaires and focus groups scenario), report from the research, set of questions, quizzes, mini-scenes for the assessment tool and the assessment tool itself, mechanism for creation of the roadmap and the roadmap, content of 6 training modules, curriculum of the course and e-learning course itself, testing plan and report.

Target groups:

  • Startuppers/wannabe entrepreneurs/startups
  • Companies, networks of companies, VET providers and VET Trainers (organisations that provide VET learning or have access to start-ups and entrepreneurs, as stakeholders.

Project website: https://vise.erasmus.site/


  • Coordinator: BrainLog – Denmark
  • Markeut Skills Sociedad Limitada – Spain
  • CWEP – Poland
  • LABC – Italy
  • Panepistimio Thessalias – Greece
  • CKE – Poland
  • E&D Knowledge Consulting – Portugal
FLYie – Female Legends Youth innovation and entrepreneurship

FLYie – Female Legends Youth innovation and entrepreneurship

Implementation period: 01.09.2019 – 31.08.2021
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2019-2-CY02-KA205-001601

Project description:

The international, Erasmus+ project “FLYie- Female Legends Youth innovation and entrepreneurship” is promoting the values of gender equality in the field of innovative and social entrepreneurship through game-based activities.

The OBJECTIVES of “FLYie” project are to:

  • promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young girls and women (age 16-24)
  • bring out the significant role of women in Entrepreneurship and support them to identify their skills and competences, in order to succeed in developing their own sustainable (Social) Enterprises
  • fight stereotypes against women entrepreneurs
  • inspire young girls and women through role-model education to follow business-management careers and take the risk of founding their own enterprise.
  • enhance acquisition of key skills and competences of young girls and women
  • enhance youth educators, youth coaches, career advisors and relevant professionals’ skills in dealing with social inclusion.

Project website : www.femalelegends.eu


  • Citizens In Power (CIP) – Cyprus – Coordinator
  • Challedu -Greece
  • Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości (CWEP) – Poland
  • Logopsycom – Belgium
UPthEM – Upskilling Pathways for Employability

UPthEM – Upskilling Pathways for Employability

Implementation period: 01.11.2019 – 30.04.2021
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062299

Project description:

The UPthEM project amis to explore the diverse national experiences in supporting disadvantaged groups to introduce an innovative UPthEM training programme to empower employability and employment prospects of disadvantaged people. The partnership would like to focus on these target groups and engage them in a successful career path either as employed or as self-employed entrepreneurs.

Aims of the project:

  • To elaborate UPthEm training programme to empower employability and employment prospects of disadvantaged people.
  • To shot 40 videos (8 per country) with successful motivating stories of disadvantaged people.
  • To train 25 (5 per country) adult educators to implement the programme.
  • To engage 50 adults (10 per country) from disadvantaged groups to explore the benefits of the programme through online dissemination activities and 5 multiplier events.

Project outputs:

  • UPthEm training programme
  • An audiovisual collection of good entrepreneurial practices for disadvantaged adults

Target group:

Our project will target adult educators and adults with disadvantaged backgrounds with special attention to the unemployed ones.

Further, based on the experience of each partner, we agreed to target adults facing: sociocultural difficulties – related to experiencing discrimination because of gender, ethnicity or religion, economic – related to unemployment and poverty and geographical – citizens living in small towns or rural areas, where the employment opportunities are limited and the rate of long-term unemployment is higher in comparison with other regions, disabled people.


  • Know and Can Association (Coordinator) – Bulgaria
  • ADES – Romania
  • CWEP – Poland
  • ADRM “Danube” – Bulgaria

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UPthEMProject

Entre-Forward: Enhancing Entrepreneurship Skills

Entre-Forward: Enhancing Entrepreneurship Skills

Implementation period: 01.09.2019 – 31.08.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2019-1-FR01-KA204-062880

Project description:

The Entre-Forward project focuses on upskilling people and showcase the importance of developing entrepreneurial skills. Also, the project aims at promoting innovative approaches to strengthen the cooperation between industry and education towards entrepreneurship and propose innovative practice-based methods, where students are involved in project work and/or in motivational activities.

The objectives of the project are summarized below

The top priority of Entre-Forward is to extend and develop the competences of trainers and other persons working with adults, as it is crucial for them to develop a specific set of competencies. Thus, the main objectives of this project are:

  • to promote entrepreneurship, initiative-taking and creativity, especially among young people
  • to foster the importance of innovation, creativity and the ability to plan and manage processes.

Target groups:


  • young people and adult students who are interested in developing their entrepreneurial skills and enhance their personal development, to either boost their employability as an employee or start their own business
  • educators, trainers and guidance practitioners, who will improve their skills, knowledge and methods in order to provide personalized and suitable support to young people.


  • education and training institutes, policy makers, public and private stakeholders.

Project website : www.entre-forward.eu


  • Coopérative d’Initiative Jeunes – France – Coordinator
  • ISON Psychometrica – Greece
  • Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości (CWEP) – Poland
  • União das Freguesias Gondomar (S. Cosme) Valbom e Jovim – Portugal
  • Studio Risorse – Italy
  • DEP Institut – Spain
CTV – Complex Toolbox for Volunteers on preparing and running international projects

CTV – Complex Toolbox for Volunteers on preparing and running international projects

Implementation period: 01.10.2019 – 30.04.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063430

Project description:

The project focuses on empowerment of low-skilled adult learners, volunteers engaged in activities in voluntary organisations, which are understood as all those non-profit organisations that engage volunteers and provide voluntary services of any kind.
As result of the project low-skilled adult volunteers will upgrade their competences in preparing and managing European projects, enhance their digital skills, intercultural competence and sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. Voluntary organisations will be able to strengthen their position in the region, gain new sources of funding, run more effective operations and establish new, international networks.


  • to improve and extend the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of volunteers;
  • increase inter-regional and transnational cooperation and develop and reinforce European networks especially of those voluntary organisations that are not part of EVS/ESC;
  • increase the capacity of voluntary organisations to operate transnationally;
  • develop digital learning materials and tools in particular OER and support the effective use of digital technologies in education and training.

Target groups:

Low-skilled adults who work as volunteers of those voluntary organisations that are not part of EVS, that operate in small communities, work on local and regional levels and are not aware of possibilities that EU funded projects could bring them.

Project outputs:

  • OER for adult volunteers including practical Toolbox on various aspects of cooperation within EU projects;
  • Interactive e-catalogue of good practices.


  • CSVnet – Roma, Italy (coordinator)
  • CWEP – Rzeszow, Poland
  • Valencia Innohub – Valencia, Spain
  • assist GmbH – Paderborn, Germany

Website: https://ctv.erasmus.site/