DECENT- Digital strategies of Enhancement of the basic skills among adults as a ChancE to fight agaiNst functional illiteracy

Implementation period: 01.10.2017 – 30.09.2019
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA204-037242

Project description:

The main goal of the DECENT project is to increase the effectiveness of the fight against the functional illiteracy among low qualified adults who are at risk of social exclusion in Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain and Italy.

The main target group of DECENT project are adults at risk of social exclusion (long-term unemployed, threatened by poverty, poorly educated). All project activities will be geared to solve problems and improve the situation of this group. Furthermore, the project will create tools for institutions which support and take care for people with functional illiteracy, such as:

  • adult education centers,
  • schools for adults,
  • third age universities,
  • associations witch support the fight against functional illiteracy,
  • local and regional self-government education departments as well as adult educators.

Even though project will be implemented for the target group in just six countries, its main outcome is addressed to adults from across the European Union.

  • Asociatia de Dezvoltare Economico-Sociala – Curtea de Arges, Romania
  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości – Rzeszów, Poland
  • Znam i Moga LTD – Sofia, Bulgaria
  • INSTALOFI LEVANTE SL – Valencia, Spain
Project website:
Environmental Learning Illustrated

Environmental Learning Illustrated

Implementation period: 01.10.2017 – 30.09.2019
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2017-1-UK01-KA204-036748

Project description:

The project ELI is linked with the European Union’s commitment “Healthy and Sustainable Environment for Present and Future Generations” (European Commission paper, 2014) and an international commitment to protecting natural habitats and biodiversity, but also tackling other environmental problems, including the reduction in carbon emission as reflected in the so-called 2015 Paris Agreement, with the need to develop comprehensive education programmes that address the mentioned needs.

Partnership will create an e-learning programme on climate change and other environmental problems with illustrations and graphic designs to explain key concepts and activities of the e-learning programme, so to increase the learning success of the participants, as well as reach out to more people who do not necessarily have a scientific background in the explained topics. By adding a graphic novel to the programme, partners target to interest a larger audience, apart from those formally taking the course. The novel will be available for free download on the project platform. We hope that a lighter read on environmental issues will encourage more people to become interested in the project. It will include recommended actions on environmental topics and advice what influence humans have on the environment.

  • The Surefoot Effect,CIC – Stirling, United Kingdom
  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości – Rzeszów, Poland
  • Volontariato Torino – Torino, Italy
  • E.N.T.E.R. GMBH – Graz, Austria
Project website:
OnTheMoneyTrail – Interactive Book for the Financial Education of Children

OnTheMoneyTrail – Interactive Book for the Financial Education of Children

Implementation period: 01.10.2017 – 30.09.2019
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2017-1-PL01-KA201-038534

Project description:

The project aims to develop an innovative pedagogy for delivering key Financial Literacy competences to children (3-6 years old), based on an interactive learning eBook, that may be used in formal, non-formal and informal learning settings.

The main effect of the ill be an interactive learning eBook, as well as workshops present and train the teachers, trainers and parents how to use the interactive materials, pilot trainings and dissemination tools: information website & social media.

Financial education is an increasingly important topic in the EU, especially since the 2008 crisis. In recent years, many Member States adopted its framework and defined learning objectives from kindergarten till adulthood, to increase the low levels of financial literacy and thus – to improve the lives of citizens. Financial education includes a wide set of skills and knowledge, and is of vital importance to have independent and active European citizens attitude.

Main output of the project will be an Interactive Book for the Financial Education of Chil-dren, as well as management documents, ensuring effective project implementation.

  • Advancis Business Services, Lda – Porto, Portugal
  • Boon Unipessoal, Lda. – Matosinhos, Portugal
  • Scuole Paritarie dell’Istituto delle Maestre Pie dell’Addolorata – Roma, Italy
  • Djecji vrtic Radost Zadar – Zadar, Croatia
Project website:
No Cyberbullying at the School!

No Cyberbullying at the School!

Implementation period: 19.09.2016 – 18.09.2018
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2016-1-TR01-KA201-034233

Project description:

The main aim of the project was to raise awareness against cyberbullying, to learn what had been done regarding the prevention of tyranny and using it for the sake of partner schools in Partners’ countries.

To achieve this goal, the project Partners established that they would conduct several trainings (LTTAs) devoted for partners and target group members (teachers). During the LTTAs, participants learned about cyberbullying, the ways to prevent this danger and methods of helping the victims and their families. During the project realization, Partners developed the website and created social media accounts (on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) to publish the useful information about this phenomenon.
Within the project, an e-book including of the information and activities and results carried out was prepared. For a better recognition and stronger dissemination effect, Partners used eTwinning platform to share the information and project’s results, and created “eTwinning corner” in each Partner’s organization.

  • Faik Erbagi Ortaokulu – Ankara, Turkey (coordinator)
  • Stowarzyszenie „Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości” – Rzeszów, Poland
  • Ud’Anet Srl – Torrevecchia Teatina, Italy
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva – Vila Verde, Portugal
  • Ankara Milli Egitim Mudurlugu – Ankara, Turkey
Project website:


WOT – Work-based Entrepreneurship Training for People with Disabilities

Implementation period: 01.12.2016 – 31.05.2019
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2016-1-PL01-KA202-026055

Project description:

Inclusive entrepreneurship is a concept of inclusion of disadvantaged social groups on labour market, such as women, minorities or people with physical disability (PWD). This inclusion is based on the use of competences and skills of those people to help them reach their goals, mostly business, among others – to start their own business.

Inclusive entrepreneurship is the opposite of social exclusion, hence the great importance of projects supporting the development of this concept.
The main aim of WOT project was to promote inclusive entrepreneurship, with respect to PWD, by developing a methodology based on job shadowing, mentoring and coaching. The project was dedicated for PWD willing to become entrepreneurs or freelancers, as well as for entrepreneurs and freelancers without a disability who could act as mentors.

Project aims were to:

  1. Develop the guide in the field of inclusive entrepreneurship development for mentors of PWD,
  2. Prepare the e-learning course for mentors of PWD,
  3. Develop the guide in the field of developing own business for PWD,
  4. Prepare the e-learning course for PWD in this field.
  • The Centre for Education and Entrepreneurship Support – Rzeszów, Poland (coordinator)
  • Business and Development Center-Centrum Rozwoju Biznesu LCC – Rzeszów, Poland
  • Societa’ Cooperativa A.Fo.Ri.S.Ma.-ACLI Formazione Ricerca Servizi Management – Pisa, Italy
  • Fundacion Docete Omnes – La Zubia, Granada, Spain
  • Association pour le Développement de la Pédagogie de l’Individualisation – Paris, France
Project website:


WaterWorldAdventure – Interactive eBook to improve the Ocean Literacy of Kids

Implementation period: 01.10.2016 – 30.09.2018
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2016-1-EL01-KA201-023456

Project description:

The main goal of this project was to create and make available online to educators, an educational interactive ebook – WaterWorldAdventure.

This eBook helped to improve the Ocean Literacy of pre-school children (3-6 years old). The eBook was developed considering:

  • 7 Essential Principles and the Fundamental Concepts of the Ocean Literacy Framework, developed by the National Marine Educators Association in the US, and is the world reference in this area;
  • Good practices of storytelling and interactive stories, specifically for this age group; thus guaranteeing the robustness of the pedagogical approach and ensuring the alignment with the end users needs (teachers and parents).

Along with the interactive story, a Facilitator’s Guide for teachers and parents was developed. This Guide contributed to the full use of the WaterWorldAdventure eBook by proposing: an overall approach to the use of the eBook; a set of complementary discussion topics/questions to help teachers/parents exploring specific concepts, behaviors, attitudes; a set of complementary activities to help strengthening the learning experience, including simple games, colouring activities or project ideas.


  • Advancis Business Services Lda – Porto, Portugal
  • Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean – Arad, Romania
  • Boon Unipessoal Lda – Matosinhos, Portugal
  • The Centre for Education and Entrepreneurship Support – Rzeszów, Poland
Project website:


Boosting Young Entrepreneurs – 8
Implementation period: 1.02.2016 – 31.01.2018
Assistance program: Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Project number: COS-EYE-2015-4-01

Project description:

Objective of the proposal of BYE-8 consortium was to provide the opportunity to Nascent Entrepreneurs to receive on-the-job-training from experienced entrepreneurs and to encourage the activation of Host entrepreneurs in order to realize successful relationships.

The partners of the BYE-8 consortium were selected not only from various European countries but also from different economic sectors that could facilitate the successful match up (Chambers, Academic Institutions, consultancy, NGOs, etc.) The BYE-8 partnership constituted an integrated synthesis of experienced and new “fresh” organizations thus ensuring a sustainable base providing assistance to new and “wannabe” entrepreneurs to develop their own business through an intensive activation together with “suitable” experienced entrepreneurs.

Target group:
  • Nascent Entrepreneurs
  • Host Entrepreneurs


  • FORMAPER – Italy (coordinator)
  • First Elements Euroconsultants Ltd – Cyprus
  • Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza – Spain
  • Employability Town Ltd – United Kingdom
  • Polish Chamber of Commerce – Poland
  • Instalofi levante, s.l. – Spain
  • Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości – Poland
  • Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship B.V. – Netherlands
Gamify Your Teaching

Gamify Your Teaching

Gamify Your Teaching – increasing vocational competences of entrepreneurship Teachers with the use of gamification

Implementation period: 01.09.2015 – 01.09.2017
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2015-1-RO01-KA202-014975

Project description:

The project was addressed to the entrepreneurship Teachers who worked with young people and use traditional methods of teaching.

An on-line game created by the partnership has served the Teachers as an innovative didactic tool which is more suitable for the needs of youth who are used the virtual world.
Besides the game, the Teachers recived didactic materials, explaining the usage of the game. These materials, together with the game, were tested in the last months of project implementation and the recommendations from testing were taken into account in the final version of the game and didactic materials.
Another effect of the project was the collection of case studies, showing the examples of successful businesses. The aim of these examples was to encourage young people to open up own companies.

  • CNIPMMR ARAD – Arad, Romania (coordinator)
  • Inova Consultancy – Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • Socialiniu inovaciju fondas – Kaunas, Lithuania
  • KMOP – Athens, Greece
  • InEuropa – Modena, Italy
  • FyG Consultores – Valencia, Spain
  • Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości – Rzeszów, Poland


Implementation period: 01.10.2015 – 30.09.2017
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2015-2-BG01-KA205-014544

Project description:

The idea of the project had been related to the announced by the European Commission statistics date relating to unemployment among young people in the EU.
Unemployment among youths has been a top priority for UE countries. One of the reasons why this phenomenon occurs is the lack of entrepreneurial attitudes of young people.
The aim of the project was to develop and implement in 6 countries (Poland, Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria), an innovative method called ForProve. It contributed to reduce unemployment among young people. This method combines the two theoretical models: Improve Theatre and Forum Theatre. The main aim of the project was to equip young people with entrepreneurship skills by the innovative method.
The attractiveness of theatre art had to be developed for creating and strengthening the skills of young people which they need in order to be successful in the business world. The new method has been based on good practices in Forum Theater and Improve Theater. It is an innovative non formal education method for stimulation of the entrepreneurship, leadership and transversal skills, definitely contributing to success on the labour market in the partner countries.


  • Know and Can Association – Sofia, Bulgaria
  • M&M Profuture Training, S.L. – Cornella de Llobregat, Spain
  • Coges Societa Cooperativa Sociale – Venezia, Italia
  • Klub mladih Split – Split, Croatia
  • Socialiniu inovaciju fondas – Kowno, Lithuania
  • Centre for Education and Enterprise Support – Rzeszów, Poland


Implementation period: 01.10.2015 – 30.09.2017
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2015-1-PL01-KA204-016557

Project description:

BEVIN project was addressed to a wide audience: public educational institutions/sectorial organisations involved in the non-formal and informal learning process and/or validation as well as educational entities and individuals who were actively implementing validation of non-formal and informal learning.

Teachers and trainers who accompanied or supported their students during non-formal and/or informal learning and also to all organisation and institutions that were planning validation of non-formal and informal learning. The main aim of the BEVIN project was to raise the indicator of recognizability of adults competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning. The partnership had achieved this aim through realization of the following operational goals:

  • developing of database of effective tools for validation of non-formal and informal learning;
  • developing of validation opportunities trends analyzer.

More information could be found on the project web site.


  • Sea Teach S.L. – Cala D’or, Spain
  • Volontariato Torino – Italy
  • RUNI CENTER – Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiebiorczosci – Rzeszow, Poland
  • Biedrība Eurofortis – Riga, Latvia