4th Partners meeting in Madrid was organized in CECE office on February 18-19, 2016. The main topics in agenda were overviews of work within Output 3 “Methodology of workshops for people at risk of poverty and social exclusion„ and Output 4 “Methodology of workshops for decision makers and politicians“.
Author: admin
The third ET-NEETs’ project meeting
Within ET-NEETs project, the third meeting of partners from Spain, Poland and UK, was held. The meeting was hosted by Teachsport Management Ltd. from London.
Social co-operatives as an answer to selected social problems- an article in semiannual paper “Social Economy”
In the second issue of “Social Economy” (No. 2/2014) edited by Malopolska School of Public Administration Cracow University of Economics, an article entitled Social co-operatives as an answer to selected social problems. An example of Podkarpackie Province was published.
Can households in poverty save up? An article in „Humanities and Social Sciences”
Most of people feel need of having some savings, and science has no doubts about it. But have all households got that opportunity and what is it affected by, is another question.
The summary of CONVET project – conference in Valencia
For the last two years the Association has been successfully implementing CONVET – ECVET project, which aimed at supporting the recognition of qualifications in the European construction sector. Project that we have been implementing together with our partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Great Britain has come to an end.
Another science publication in the frame of Children Rough Sleepers project.
University of Rzeszow Publishing Office has published monography entitled „CROSS-SECTORAL COOPERATION IN ORDER TO SOLVE SOCIAL PROBLEMS”, edited by Beata Szluz, Tatiana Matulayova and Ilona Pešatova. This publication contains speeches of the participants of international science conference – „Cross-sectoral cooperation in order to solve social problems”, which took place on 20th May 2014 at University of Rzeszow. Continue reading
Poverty and social exclusion in selected European countries
Poverty and social exclusion in selected European countries – looking from different perspectives on the functioning system
Poverty and social exclusion are very complex phenomena, which is caused not only by their roots, but also because of different course they take and a number of possible solutions, that cannot always be implemented. These problems vary depending on a country they occur. The latest monographs published by ‘Center for Education and Enterprise Support’(CWEP), look at the problems of poverty and social exclusion from different viewpoints: from the perspective of a person being at risk of poverty as well as from the welfare institutions point of view.
BEVIN – Kick off Meeting
The first meeting in the BEVIN project – dataBase of Effective opportunities in the field of Validation of non-formal and INformal learning took place at the headquarters of the Project Coordinator in Rzeszow on 9th – 10th December 2015.
TAP – newsletter #5
We present the fifth issue of the newsletter prepared within the TAP – Together Against Poverty project. In this issue you can find information from partners counties – Poland, Estonia, Italy, Romania, The Netherlands and Spain.
Gamify Your Teaching
Gamify Your Teaching – increasing vocational competences of entrepreneurship Teachers with the use of gamification
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2015-1-RO01-KA202-014975
Project description:
An on-line game created by the partnership has served the Teachers as an innovative didactic tool which is more suitable for the needs of youth who are used the virtual world.
Besides the game, the Teachers recived didactic materials, explaining the usage of the game. These materials, together with the game, were tested in the last months of project implementation and the recommendations from testing were taken into account in the final version of the game and didactic materials.
Another effect of the project was the collection of case studies, showing the examples of successful businesses. The aim of these examples was to encourage young people to open up own companies.
- CNIPMMR ARAD – Arad, Romania (coordinator)
- Inova Consultancy – Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Socialiniu inovaciju fondas – Kaunas, Lithuania
- KMOP – Athens, Greece
- InEuropa – Modena, Italy
- FyG Consultores – Valencia, Spain
- Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości – Rzeszów, Poland