In the second issue of “Social Economy” (No. 2/2014) edited by Malopolska School of Public Administration Cracow University of Economics, an article entitled Social co-operatives as an answer to selected social problems. An example of Podkarpackie Province was published.
An article was developed as a result of a research project entitled “Usability testing of polish households’ incomes and its influence on their actions”. The publication raised an issue of assessing the impact of social co-operatives on eliminating selected social problems (especially poverty and unemployment) as well as potentially problematic areas in the light of this phenomena, including also problems with assessing the effectiveness of EU funding in financing co-operatives. This article is a critical voice in the discussion on the principles of evaluating the effects of support given to social actors in order to balance living standards of region’s inhabitants.
The publication is available in electronic and paper version (HERE)