The summary of CONVET project – conference in Valencia

The summary of CONVET project – conference in Valencia

For the last two years the Association has been successfully implementing CONVET – ECVET project, which aimed at supporting the recognition of qualifications in the European construction sector. Project that we have been implementing together with our partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Great Britain has come to an end.

On 23 November 2015, in Valencia, the last partners’ meeting was held. Its aim was to recapitulate two years of project work and to clarify tasks for the last weeks of year 2015. After that, some preparations were made for the final conference, which took place the next day (24 November). The conference gathered 96 participants coming from different sectors like: construction sector, vocational teachers, associations of construction companies, local authorities and associations of builders. In addition to representatives of the Association and project partners, there were also prominent experts from the field of vocational education, construction and qualifications recognition on European level. The crucial point of the conference turned out to be a discussion, which enabled more participant to share opinions and ask the speakers different questions. The conference was summarised and closed by Alberto Sanchís, representative of local authorities in Valencia.

Everyone interested in the results of our project (not only representatives of construction sector), is invited to our website and to contact the project’s team.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.