The third ET-NEETs’ project meeting

The third ET-NEETs’ project meeting

Within ET-NEETs project, the third meeting of partners from Spain, Poland and UK, was held. The meeting was hosted by Teachsport Management Ltd. from London.

These three days (18-20 January 2016 ) were the days of very intense work, during which the subjects of organizing conference and workshops in London or Majorca, were discussed. Centre for Education and Enterprise Support will delegate 4 persons for the training in London, that is scheduled for March. The outline of a training content and the initial agenda were settled. Apart from that, much attention was given to the issue of project’s dissemination, and the Dissemination module on Admin Project was presented. At the same time, each partner was assigned specific tasks to complete in the coming months.


Changing lives. Opening minds.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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