BEVIN – Kick off Meeting

BEVIN – Kick off Meeting

The first meeting in the BEVIN project – dataBase of Effective opportunities in the field of Validation of non-formal and INformal learning took place at the headquarters of the Project Coordinator in Rzeszow on 9th – 10th December 2015.

During the meeting the partners presented their institutions: Center for Education and Enterprise Support (CWEP) – coordinator, Biedrība Eurofortis – Latvia, Runi Centar – Bulgaria, Sea Teach – Spain, VOL.TO – Italy.

During the meeting, the main objectives of the project were presented: developing database of effective tools for validation of non-formal and informal learning; developing validation opportunities trends analyzer and presenting a definition of terms such as: non-formal and informal education. Partners also discussed dissemination plan, project management, evaluation, ect.



Changing lives. Opening minds.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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