4th Partners meeting in Madrid was organized in CECE office on February 18-19, 2016. The main topics in agenda were overviews of work within Output 3 “Methodology of workshops for people at risk of poverty and social exclusion„ and Output 4 “Methodology of workshops for decision makers and politicians“.
Partners agreed on O3 draft prepared by CILSDGC (Romania) and discussed in details the structure and deadlines for inputs and real O1 cases from all partners for O4 prepared by CECE (Spain). Also deadlines for O3 and O4 evaluation and translation to the national languages were established.
Dissemination activities in partners’ countries, evaluation process and information about audit of TAP project from Polish National Agency also were discussed. Partners took into account all recommendations from the NA for future cooperation. They also discussed and agreed about topics for the next TAP project Newsletter, talked about administrative and financial issues.
The last, 5th Partners meeting will be organized by LEIDO in the Netherlands on July 7-8, 2016.
By Ruta Pels (MITRA)
Changing lives. Opening minds.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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