DigiER – Digital Transborders Entrepreneurship Readiness

DigiER – Digital Transborders Entrepreneurship Readiness

Implementation period: 01.05.2021 – 30.04.2023
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-VET-096054

Project description:

The digital revolution has transformed the way people play, access information, communicate and learn. To meet these challenges this project aims at helping VET providors to use technology in new and innovative ways to support SMEs in digital transborder entrepreneurship readiness. At the same time, we explore possibilities to find new pedagogical ways to tackle 21st century challenges, promote peer learning across education systems transnationally and catalyse the development of indispensable transversal competencies i.e. problem solving, collaboration and creativity.


The aim of the project is to raise awareness on effective of digital transborder entrepreneurship among employees of chambers of commerce, regional development agencies, local authorities and centres for entrepreneurship development, but also VET teachers, trainers and mentors.

Target groups:

  • employees of chambers of commerce
  • regional development agencies,
  • local authorities and centres for entrepreneurship development
  • VET teachers, trainers and mentors,
  • SMEs, entrepreneurs and start uppers

Intellectual Outputs:

IO1: Guide on Digital transborder Entrepreneurship strategies in a business environment

The DigiER training material consists of proposed chapters, which are perceived as the most contemporary training module titles.

IO2: DigiER mobile application for entrepreneurs

DigiER mobile app will ensure personalized training pathways through initially testing the knowledge and awareness of digital transborder entrepreneurship among entrepreneurs and startupers. The DigiER mobile application will also elaborate a personalized strategy for the entrepreneurs and startupers to be able to address the weak points and empower its approach to digital transborder entrepreneurship.

Project website: https://digier.erasmus.site/

Project partners:

  • Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza w Katowicach – Project Coordinator
  • Ke.Di.Vi.M2 Kainotomia
  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości
  • Civic Computing Limited
  • Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije
  • Camera de Comert Si Industrie Bistrita Nasaud
Digi4SME – Digital Competences of VET Trainers for SME

Digi4SME – Digital Competences of VET Trainers for SME

Implementation period: 01-04-2021 – 31-03-2023
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-IT01-KA226-VET-009004

Project description:

The current COVID-19 crisis hit certain sectors very hard. One of these sectors is Small and Medium Sized companies around the world. The financial support provided, SMEs are in difficult situation. Now, more than ever they need well educated, skilled owners, managers and employees.

The aim of the DIGI4SME project if extending digital competences of VET trainers providing training to SMEs. The pandemic has taken away even the possibility of training as many training providers are not ready to provide education online. VET education, needs to be ready for delivery of high quality inclusive digital education.

Target Group:

The primary target group are VET trainers with either no or basic digital skills working in VET centres particularly those that deliver various trainings to SMEs connected with effective functioning of a company. They will benefit directly from project activities and will be able to gain or improve their digital skills. The secondary target group can be defined as employees of SMEs, learners of the above-mentioned VET trainers that that through digitally enabled learning methods will improve their own digital skills and skills needed to successful business operations.

Intellectual Outputs:

The most important results of the project are improved digital competences of VET trainers in accordance to the guidance offered by the framework but the project will create more results in terms of impact on VET trainers as well as on other groups – employees of SME as well as stakeholders from the VET education area, participants and organisations.

There will be two main outputs of the project:

IO1 – Training needs detector

IO2 – Training e-course

Project website:https://digi4sme.eu/


Diciannove Società Cooperativa – Coordinator (Italy)


LABC S.R.L. (Italy)


SC Ludor Engineering SRL (Romania)




SEEDS: Substance of circular Economy concept as Efficacious Determinant for the development of Successful entrepreneurship

SEEDS: Substance of circular Economy concept as Efficacious Determinant for the development of Successful entrepreneurship

Implementation period: 2020-12-01 – 2022-11-30
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA202-083137

Project description:

The circular economy is an enormous challenge for developing and emerging countries, in terms of capabilities to ensure efficient treatment of waste, the responsibility over social behaviours. Moreover, what can be observed across the EU, is the struggle of municipals over waste management, which is no longer the management of municipal waste, but industrial waste.

The responsibility over this lies on the entrepreneurs themselves, which in most cases is the result of their unawareness on how to tackle the problem. The question is how to foster symbiosis and cooperation between municipalities and entrepreneurs to include their waste into those closed streams represented by the circular economy. Thus, circular economy has become a topic that cannot be ignored, but has been dictated. The circular economy will boost the European Union competitiveness by protecting businesses against scarcity of resources and volatile prices, helping to create new business opportunities and innovative, more efficient ways of producing and consuming (EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy).
Main target groups:

  • start-uppers, young entrepreneurs, VET trainers

Project outputs:

O1: SEEDS m-learning solution for startuppers – The SEEDS m-learning solution for startuppers will be a mobile-based environment delivering courses on Circular Economy with specific focus on startuppers. Thanks to this, it will enable startuppers to develop their vocational skills in the area of sustainable growth. The sustainable growth is a crucial factor in today’s entrepreneurship reality. This Intellectual Output links with the following objectives:

  • enabling startuppers as well as VET providers to organise and deliver learning on the impact of Circular Economy related aspects to nowadays entrepreneurship,
  • supporting the transition of startuppers from being young entrepreneurs to more self-aware participants fluent in the complexity of Circular Economy related aspects.

The 6 topics selected to be implemented within this Intellectual Output are as follows:

  • Use waste as a resource,
  • The reuse of water (agriculture, industry, etc.) from wastewater treatment plants,
  • Design for the future,
  • Rethink the business model for sustainable development,
  • Incorporate digital technology for sustainable development,
  • Effective and sustainable product labeling.

O2: SEEDS Recognition and validation OER – This Intellectual Output is expected to work in the area of recognition and validation of competences acquired through the participation in non-formal training courses on Circular Economy related aspects and their implementation in day to day activities of startuppers. The focus of this IO will be linked to the competences “A sense of initiative and responsible entrepreneurship” through:

  • developing such competences among startuppers,
  • creating opportunities for validating these competences.
  • SEEDS Recognition and validation test

The SEEDS Recognition and validation OER will be available for all startuppers, VET providers and other relevant institutions without any restrictions in six languages of the SEEDS partnership. There will be two main parts of this IO as demonstrated below.

Project website: in progress


UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI – Tarragona, Spain (coordinator)

CWEP – Rzeszów, Poland

LABC – Torino, Italy

BEST – Wien, Austria

QUARTER MEDIATION – Utrecht, Netherlands

SC Ludor Engineering SRL – Valea Adanca, Romania


BRIDGES – Improving work-based learning through employers links

BRIDGES – Improving work-based learning through employers links

Implementation period: 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-UK01-KA202-078809

Project description:

BRIDGES will support and facilitate the up-skilling of VET professionals at all levels (teachers, trainers, tutors, course developers, business development team, managers) through a baseline and bespoke framework on how to effective engage employers, and high quality open and innovative blended CPD activities, digital resources and Community of practice.

The starting point of this development process is the internal need analysis research made by the VET providers partners involved in BRIDGES, as well the Pan-European desk research and comparison of employment engagement practices and challenges, which will lead to the lead to the provision of the short-term outcomes and multilingual outputs (i.e. by the project’s completion) as well as longer term and sustainable outcomes (i.e. post project completion) for the countries involved as well as for VET providers across the EU.

Target groups:

  • VET providers;
  • VET professionals;
  • VET learners.

Project website : in progress

Project outputs:

O1: BRIDGES Employer Engagement Framework – will include a mapping literature review involving the Local Experts Group, the definition of what is an engaged relationship with employer, describe each one of the 4-level for employer engagement and comprehensive guidance.

O2: BRIDGES CPD Programme – a blended training for VET professionals, offering a flexible curriculum adaptable to different countries and contexts

O3: BRIDGES Digital learning resources and Community of practice – a set of infographics based on O1, e-learning contents to support O2, good practices videos on employer engagement for inspire VET professionals across Europe, and a Community of practice to promote exchange of practises and offer a common space for discussing about employer engagement related topics.


  • Belfast Metropolitan College – Belfast, United Kingdom (coordinator)
  • City of Dublin Education and Training Board – Dublin, Ireland
  • Internationaler Bund – Chemnitz, Germany
  • Mindshift Talent Advisory – Lisboa, Portugal
  • Evolve Global Solutions Ltd – Stratford Upon Avon, United Kingdom
  • Infodef – Valladolid, Spain
  • Center for Social Innovation Ltd – Nicosia, Cyprus
  • CWEP – Rzeszow, Poland
OPI – Open Innovation Competences

OPI – Open Innovation Competences

Implementation period: 01.11.2020 – 30.10.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080196

Project description:

The OPI project aims to develop and test a comprehensive methodology and tools for requalification of human resources to obtain professional competences for those future oriented positions in open innovation scope.

Target groups:

  • HR related professionals and SME managers will be involved in the project activities, with a special focus on gathering their feedback regarding the local capacities. The group will have a key impact on building awareness of job seekers and employees regarding new job market requirements.
  • Unemployed or employees in the need of requalification due to high unemployment risk (in easily automatable jobs, people returning from periods of professional inactivity or in losing economic relevance positions).

The following results will be created and implemented by the end of the project implementation period:

  1. Study of local open innovation competencies
  2. Methodology and tools to build open innovation understanding among HR specialists and build their ability to guide job seekers or employees on upskilling/requalification
  3. Diagnostic tool to evaluate human capital in scope of open innovation
  4. E-learning solution for building the competencies of the unemployed/employees at high unemployment risk competencies
  5. Comprehensive requalification guide for HR professionals and adult educators

OPI Priorities:

  • Extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel who support adult learners
  • Improving and extending the supply of high-quality learning opportunities for adults
  • Supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences

Project website: www.opi-project.eu


Coordinator – Universitatea din Pitesti (Romania)


Asociación Valencia Inno Hub (Spain)



BOOST – Global competence for advancing social inclusion and career path of vulnerable women

BOOST – Global competence for advancing social inclusion and career path of vulnerable women

Implementation period: 01.10.2020 – 30.09.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-081853

Project description:

BOOST, is an Erasmus+ project, focusing on building the global competence of women from migrant and culturally diverse backgrounds, whilst working with adult educators to support their continuous professional development as coaches and mediators.

The targets-groups will be first engaged in online training sessions for building global competences. BOOST will also equip the professionals with coaching tools to better support women in advancing their social inclusion and career paths, by using the global competence to cope with challenges they face on a daily basis.

To achieve its objectives, BOOST will develop:

  1. A multilingual MOOC offering a flexible microlearning path on global competences for both target groups, women and professionals.
  2. A bespoke programme for professionals supporting coaching practices regarding careers delivered to vulnerable women. The programme will include a coaching scheme, a step-by-step guidance and recommendations, as well as a toolkit to support the coaching cycles. This coaching programme can be used across countries, regardless of age, background or ethnicity.

BOOST Priorities:

  • Supporting the setting up and access to upskilling pathways
  • Extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel who support adult learners
  • Social inclusion
  • Adult education

Project updates: BOOST on Facebook





Mindshift Talent Advisory (Portugal)


IASIS (Greece)

CIEP asbl (Belgium)


COWLECTIVE: Developing a collaborative social impact method and associated training for entrepreneurs in coworking contexts

COWLECTIVE: Developing a collaborative social impact method and associated training for entrepreneurs in coworking contexts

Implementation period: 01.11.2020 – 31.10.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-DK01-KA202-075071

Project description:

COWLECTIVE is a 24-month Erasmus+ EU project that includes 5 organizations from 5 European countries (Denmark, Poland, Spain, Greece and Italy).

Project Aims:

The main objective of COWLECTIVE is to address the training needs of entrepreneurs in coworking spaces in key transversal skills based on new updated research, and strengthen their business activities in terms of social and environmental impact.COWLECTIVE aims to develop core and innovative learning methods that best encourage success in business activities, answering the need for education and training thanks to an innovative proposal based on participation and ICTs.

Project Outputs:

  • IO1 – Mobile report about social and environmental entrepreneurs skills demand according to representatives from the sector
  • IO2 – Development of the COWLLECTIVE training package
  • IO3 – COWLECTIVE learning method for social impact

Target group:

  • entrepreneurs in a coworking context, as well as future and wanna-be entrepreneurs in VET and C-VET contexts (mostly aged 25-40)
  • all organisations that provide VET and C-VET training as well as services of support to entrepreneurs (i.e. co-working spaces, schools, entrepreneurs associations, chambers, incubators; local or regional institutions)


  • COWORKING PLUS from Denmark (Coordinator)
  • LABC S.R.L. from Italy

Website: https://cowlective.erasmus.site/

DiSC – Digital Security for Senior Citizens

DiSC – Digital Security for Senior Citizens

Implementation period: 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-082121

Project description:

Cybersecurity is one of the most important and ‘hot topics’ within the European Commission, but the policy level focus, naturally is on Strategic planning at Pan-European level, with a strong focus on IoT, Industry, Digital infrastructure, Education and other fast moving industries and sectors which are vulnerable to cybersecurity and data breaches. This is highlighted by the initiation of a Network of National Coordination Centres, a Cybersecurity Competence Community and a European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre by the European Commission in 2017. By 2022, cybersecurity ratings will become as important as credit ratings for businesses and websites (Gartner Innovation Insight for Security Rating Services, 2018).

Target groups:

  • low-skilled senior citizens aged 55+.

Project website: https://disc.erasmus.site/

Project outputs:

O1: Framework of Digital Security Competences – will define the key components of competences needed by senior citizens to effectively integrate digital security protocols into their localised contexts, as well as to provide and validate an EU reference framework for developing and evaluating digital security competences;

O2: Digital Security Benchmarking Tool – tool for use by senior citizens seeking to assess their level of digital security competency;

O3: DiSC Digital Board Game – online game will be a digital version of a typical turn-based board game;

O4: Digital Security for Senior Citizens Piloting and Impact Assessment Report and Policy Recommendations – This output will produce an evidence-based impact assessment report which will present the feedback gathered from each of the piloting phases and stakeholder engagement activities, an analysis of the findings and give policy recommendations based on the assessed impact at local, regional, national and European level.


  • CWEP – Rzeszow, Poland (coordinator)
  • FYG Consultores – Valencia, Spain
  • E-Seniors – Paris, France
  • Cuiablue– Reading, United Kingdom
  • InnoHive – Larissa, Greece
StartCraft – Training for managerial competences in VET for the small businesses of the crafts sector

StartCraft – Training for managerial competences in VET for the small businesses of the crafts sector

Implementation period: 31.10.2020 – 30.09.2022
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2020-1-BE01-KA202-074896

Project description:

The craft company plays a fundamental role in people’s quality of life and dignity and, as it can have an impact on the stability and cohesion of society; it is an indispensable part of the future. However, in a highly competitive economy, a good know-how is not always enough to develop a successful business project.

The main objective of StartCraft is to address the training needs of crafts entrepreneurs in key transversal skills based on new updated research, and strengthen their business activities. StartCraft is a EU partnership designed to develop core and innovative learning methods that best encourage success in business activities, answering the need for education and training thanks to an innovative proposal based on participation and ICTs.

Target groups:

  • Craft entrepreneurs;
  • Entrepreneurs from VET cycles in crafts related fields (sewing and fashion, food processing, woodwork, furniture…

Project website : https://startcraft.erasmus.site/

Project outputs:

O1: Mobile report about crafts entrepreneurship teaching and crafts entrepreneurial skills demand according to representatives from the sector– Mobile report will have a form of interactive resource which will allow for searching and filtering the answers using various criteria (e.g. the user will be able to choose the skill and based on that the methods developing this skill will be presented, or search the skills that are the most demanded on the market by the craft entrepreneurs, etc) and will reveal the most needed skills. It will be also available as mobile app for quick reference from any place via the phone. In addition,to make it more attractive, it will include tips for self-development for educators and learners.

O2: STARTCRAFTS training package – The package will be a collection of tools regarding the main entrepreneurial and soft skills needed by the craft entrepreneurs as identified in the first output.

O3: Market training tool – The market training tool will be an interactive online tool available on the STARTCRAFTS platform, so having the same entrance door as the training course and having as objective to support craft learners to simulate their business idea in a real based market context.

O4: Teaching notes for VET trainers – those notes will help to complete the online training with recommendations and pedagogical contents to increase the benefits to the final user


  • Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg – Bruxelles, Belgium (coordinator)
  • KAINOTOMIA & SIA EE – Larisa, Greece
  • CWEP – Rzeszow, Poland
  • Valencia Innohub – Valencia, Spain
  • Markeut Skills – Picassent Valencia, Spain
  • Smooland – Lucca, Italy
  • WICI – Bełchatów, Poland
  • Center for Social Innovation Ltd – Nicosia, Cyprus


Implementation period: 01.11.2020 – 31.10.2022
Project number:101005690 — F2L – Free2Link — REC Action Grant

Project description:

Free2Link project aims at connecting organisations working in asylum systems, integration programmes and support to victims of trafficking across Italy, Greece and Poland to increase the ability of their frontline staff, as well as public and private networks, in the early identification of victims of e-trafficking. Despite being on the rise as one of the main methods to lure and force women and girls into trafficking in Europe, e-trafficking remains poorly understood and therefore poorly addressed in the receiving countries. It is paramount, in the rationale of the action, not only to link frontline staff, private and public bodies already operating in support of victims of trafficking, but to provide them with updated knowledge of its new manifestations and innovative tools to contrast it, with the aim of promoting dialogue, support and policy-making.

Through the F2L project a solid multi-stakeholder network that includes civil society organisations and public authorities join forces to elaborate and disseminate knowledge to promote the early emergence of e-trafficking, including e-learning modules and an awareness-raising online platform. A special attention will be posed on:

  • Build updated and accessible knowledge on e-trafficking;
  • Create an online, multi-language, multi-user platform on e-trafficking accessible by staff and stakeholders to enhance early identification of victims of e-trafficking and e-recruitment;
  • Train frontline staff, public and private actors (including local authorities and law enforcement officials) on the use of the platform through face-to-face courses and e-learning modules;
  • Raise awareness on the phenomenon of e-trafficking. Dedicated dissemination and communication activities in Italy, Poland and Greece will be organised to mainstream the experience collected on e-trafficking among local actors and relevant European stakeholders, including regional authorities and representatives from other EU countries of destination.

Project website : https://free2link.eu/


  • Cooperativa Sociale Progetto Tenda – Italy
  • Danish Refugee Council – Greece
  • LABC S.R.L. – Italy
  • CWEP – Poland
  • Fondazione Innovazione Sociale per L’Italia – Italy