C4C – Citizens for Climate

C4C – Citizens for Climate

Implementation period: 
Project number: 101081687—C4C—CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV

Assistance program: CERV

Project description:

The project (Citizens for Climate) aims at encouraging the civic and democratic participation of citizens, specifically youngsters, on local environmental issues through a wide range of tools and activities implemented in four European countries: Italy, France, Poland, and Hungary. The project’s main activities are COP simulations (and TOTs for teachers and educators), Citizien’s Science Research at the local level (with the RANAS Approach), a workshop with WANE (We Are Nature Expedition – journalistic report), implementation of a local and one transnational raising awareness campaign (Transnational Conference), drafts of policy recommendations to be presented to LA, Public Assembly at local level, final visit at the EU Parliament.

The project will:

  • share new tools and approaches to teachers/educators;
  • empower young people who will develop new skills, techniques, and strategies to make their voices heard;
  • sensitize local communities on local environmental issues and promote behavior change;
  • inform young people about the functioning of the European and local institutions.  At least 1000 students will be reached throughout the project

Target group

  • High school students (between the age of 14 and 18 years old)
  • Teachers and educators, who will be trained and equipped with new educational tools and methodologies to deliver environmental issues to students.
  • The project will create and/or consolidate the networks between schools, students, local environmental associations, and local authorities through the implementation of collaborative workshops and a public local event to stress the concept of inclusiveness and civic participation/collaboration to ameliorate local environmental issues.

Project Actions

  • Simulation: Simulation of UN COP Conferences on Climate Change.
  • TOT: TOTs (Training Of Trainers) where experts will share with teachers and educators a guide to active citizenship and community and new methodologies and approaches that can be adapted to students, such as the UN COP simulation methodology.
  • Research: A scientific research of citizens at the local level using the RANAS (Risks, Attitudes, Norms, Abilities and Self-regulation) approach.
  • Local and International Campaign
  • Public Assembles: A series of public assemblies at the local level where students will present the results of the RANAS research to their community, gathering new input from residents to complement their policy recommendations. This action is particularly aimed at citizens, to raise awareness, sharing information, and including everyone in a bottom-up policy-making process.
  • Visit to the European Parliament: A final visit to the European Parliament by a delegation of students from each partner country to better understand the workings of the institutions dealing with climate and the environment


  • CIFA E.T.S  – Turin, Italy (coordinator)
  • Anthropolis  – Budapest, Hungary
  • CWEP – Rzeszów, Poland
  • Diciannove societa cooperativa – Italy
  • LABC– Turin, Italy
  • Le Partenariat-Lile,France


Implementation period: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024
Project number: 2022-1-BE01-KA220-ADU-000089394

Assistance program: Erasmus+

Project description:

The project aims to bring this innovative concept of VALORISTE agent to other European countries where it is not implemented. Another innovative aspect of the VALORISTE project is also the voluntary and community approaches. On one hand, it aims to value individuals from socially vulnerable groups who will perform these tasks voluntarily, hopefully giving shape to their own entrepreneurial projects in this area. On the other hand, these agents can contribute to their communities and be recognised for that, contributing to their better social integration.

VALORISTE project aims to:

– develop an innovative and attractive training curriculum focused on sustainability and CE; – improve the development of low-qualified adults/adults from socially vulnerable groups’ competences in subjects that are strategic for sustainable development;

– boost low-qualified adults/adults from socially vulnerable groups volunteering mindset to CE related activities;

– produce a toolkit with vignettes on andragogy and education for volunteering in CE;

– contribute to the development of educational and training competences of adult educators, Valoriste Agents and other practitioners involved in CE;

– raise awareness and implementation of personal and community CE practices.

Target group

  • Low qualified adults
  • Adult educators

Project results

  • R1: VALORISTE training programme – An innovative and flexible training programme for future VALORISTE volunteers with six training modules encompassed in two core areas; sustainable development through circular economy and becoming a Valoriste volunteer
  • R2: VALORISTE toolkit – to support adult educators, Valoriste Agents and other practitioners involved in the circular economy
  • R3: VALORISTE Digital stories and MOOC – video-based Digital Stories showcasing best practices on the topics covered in training programme all available on MOOC


  • De Bouche à Oreille – Thimister, Belgium (coordinator)
  • Forum Citoyens – Burgers asbl – Brussels, Belgium
  • Mindshift Talent Advisory IDA – Lisboa, Portugal
  • Centre for Education and Entrepreneurship Support – Rzeszów, Poland
  • IASIS – Athens, Greece
  • OU Vestifex – Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia
  • The Rural Hub CLG – Carrickmacross, Ireland
  • People Help the People – Palermo, Italy
INNO4Change – Empowering innovation and entrepreneurship skills on social entrepreneurs

INNO4Change – Empowering innovation and entrepreneurship skills on social entrepreneurs

Implementation period: 01.12.2022 – 30.11.2024
Project number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000087070

Assistance program: Erasmus+

Project description:

Social innovation involves finding new solutions to societal problems. Social entrepreneurs can become true innovators if they combine societal goals with an entrepreneurial spirit, leading to positive social impact and economic growth. The Social Business Initiative has recognized the importance of providing access to education and training programs for social entrepreneurs. The INNO4CHANGE project aims to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and business skills for future social entrepreneurs and vocational education and training providers. The project aligns with the objective of adapting vocational education to meet the needs of the labor market and addresses the importance of social enterprises in the 21st century. By developing a digital learning portal, the project facilitates the use of educational resources and digital technologies for social entrepreneurs.

Target group

  • Future social entrepreneurs
  • VET

Project results

  • R1: Inspirational video stories – 24 inspirational video stories of social entrepreneurs with a sustainable business model based
  • R2: Training modules for VET – A set of 8 comprehensive training modules will be created, covering three areas: essentials on social economy, essentials on innovation and essentials on business development.
  • R3: e-learning platform


  • Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social – Valencia, Spain (koordynator)
  • Mindshift – Lisboa, Portugal
  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji I Przedsiebiorczosci – Rzeszów, Poland
  • Meta4 Innovations – Klagenfurt, Austria
  • İnovasyon Girişimcilik Eğitim ve Araştırma Derneği – Bursa, Turkey
  • Demostene Centro Studi Per La Promozione Dello Sviluppo Umano – Latiano, Italy
  • IASIS – Athens, Greece
  • CSI – Nicosia, Cyrprus
LIGHT – Youth work sheds LIGHT to unconscious bias and invisible Racism

LIGHT – Youth work sheds LIGHT to unconscious bias and invisible Racism

Implementation period: 01.11.2023 – 31.10.2025
Project number: TBC

Field: Cooperation partnerships in youth

Project description:

LIGHT’s goal is to bring improvements in youth work’s responses to unconscious biases and invisible racism, contributing to the fight against them and advancing EU society’s inclusiveness.

The project aims to promote bias literacy, develop innovative youth work tools to shed light to the phenomena, increase youth workers’ ability to effectively work on the topic, and raise youngsters’ ability to recognize and question their bias.

The project is expected to turn attention to unconscious biases as more prevalent and subtle manifestations, leading to discrimination, invisible racism and inequalities. The project aims to contribute to building a more respectful, responsive and tolerant youth generation. Youngsters’ awareness on the topic and bias literacy will eliminate discrimination among peers and will allow more young people to equally enjoy their rights. Increased inclusiveness of youth activities will be achieved.

LIGHT project results

  • Development of the LIGHT toolkit, including non-formal learning exercises and youth work experiments.
  • Creation of self-revealing tests on unconscious bias.
  • Preparation of awareness raising videos and interactive materials on unconscious bias.

LIGHT partners

  • LICRA – France (Project coordinator)
  • KMOP – Greece
  • CSC „DANILO DOLCI” – Italy
  • Radio La Benevolencija Humanitarian Tools Foundation – The Netherlands
  • CWEP – Poland (it is us)






EqPay4all – Equal Pay For All

EqPay4all – Equal Pay For All

Implementation period: 01.12.2023 – 30.11.2025
Project number: 2023-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000158892

Field: Cooperation partnerships in youth

Project description:

EqPay4all addresses the need for transnational cooperation in order to tackle the local, national and European problem of the gender pay gap and stereotypes.

EqPay4all aims to increase awareness for the gender pay gap and to foster skills to defeat stereotypes contributing to change of systemic structures in the labour market. Young and adult women are jointly empowered to realise their potential and to give them a voice to stand up for their rights in the professional field.

The project is expected to increase knowledge, raise awareness about the issue and contribute substantially to a change in the perception of women in the work field in the long-term leading to gender equality on the labour market.

EqPay4all project results

  • Development of a series of webinars on the gender pay gap.
  • Establishment of a virtual platform with e-learning materials and other digital resources on gender equality.
  • Conducting a digital awareness campaign on gender equality in the labour market.

EqPay4all partners

KulturLife gGmbH – Germany  (Project coordinator)

Association “LĪDERE” – Latvia


Future Needs Management Consulting Ltd – Cyprus

Syllogos Gynaikon Ypaithrou Larnakas – Cyprus


CWEP – Poland (it is us)






MAYFIN: Supporting a multi-action financial literacy increase among young disadvantaged students

MAYFIN: Supporting a multi-action financial literacy increase among young disadvantaged students

Implementation period: 01.10.2023 – 30.09.2025
Project number: 2023-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000159009

Field: Cooperation partnerships in youth

Project description:

The main objective of MAYFIN is to develop a set of solutions in order to close the gap on financial literacy skills among young people (between the ages 15 and 18) with different levels of socioeconomic conditions. While contributing to the reinforcement of the European identity the project combines the knowledge of financial literacy along with other identified soft skills.

The aim of the project is to increase key competences of disadvantaged young people through an online game that allows them to gain the necessary information. As a result, their present and future financial actions can be based and supported by relevant knowledge. The outcomes of the project are intended to develop the learners’ mindset so that they may actively engage and trust in their own financial decisions throughout their school years as well as during their future adulthood.

MAYFIN project results

  • Initial research on the state of skills development and impactful events
  • Online game
  • Methodological guide for educators/organizations supporting youth

MAYFIN partners








RECOVER – European Youth for a Green Recover

RECOVER – European Youth for a Green Recover

Implementation period: 01/12/2022 – 30/11/2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000085815

Project description:

The RECOVER: European Youth for a Green Recover is designed to address youth unemployment by promoting green entrepreneurship in line with the EU economy’s green transition efforts.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic consequences, youth unemployment, and green transition in Europe, the RECOVER project seems an innovative approach to young people, as research in European platforms indicates the lack of a project with the combination of objectives and results described below. Thus, the project topic becomes innovative and helps the target groups to be ready to cope with the challenging situation that the aforementioned issues have created for them.

Target group

The project is addressed to:

  • Young people, who are either unemployed or NEET
  • Youth workers/trainers

Project results

Expected Results:

  1. The RECOVER Practical Implementation Paper: An Introduction to Green Economy & Green Entrepreneurship, a collection of practical guidelines, information, and steps directly addressed to young people to help them become green entrepreneurs.
  2. The RECOVER Online Interactive Toolset, a web-based application addressed to both young people and youth workers/trainers aiming to assess the skills level of young people on three green competency thematics and to provide training based on these thematics, addressed to both young people and youth workers/trainers.
  3. The RECOVER environmental ethics campaign, a green awareness-raising campaign that includes a guide containing tips and suggestions on how to be an environmentally ethical entrepreneur, a series of podcasts/vidcasts with existing green entrepreneurs or influencers that describe their way of applying environmental-friendly business practices, and an online campaign including the dissemination of the developed material and workshops on how to be green digital entrepreneurs.


  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przesiębiorczości (CWEP) – Rzeszów, Poland(coordinator)
  • Kainotomia-Larisa, Greece
  • Fo.Ri.Um –S. Croce sull’Arno , Italy
  • Asociata Scout Society– Targu Jiu, Romania
  • Inno Hub – Valencia, Spain
  • Future in Perspective Limited(FIP), Ballyjamesduff Cavan, Ireland
IADliber – Raising competences of adult educators as a means for adults liberation from internet addiction disorder

IADliber – Raising competences of adult educators as a means for adults liberation from internet addiction disorder

Implementation period: 01.12.2022 – 30.11.2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000087209

Project description:

IADliber Project aims to support adult educators especially involved with low educated adults by providing them with the necessary educational materials that can help them in their work & be an excellent tool for presenting influence to the target group through mindfulness and other methods of focus, self-awareness and reliable assessment of the situation.


Internet Addiction Disorder, although not officially recognised by WHO or APA, is a serious and problematic pathology. It can be defined as a lack of control in the use of Internet, in such a way that it impacts the personal life of the user. Out of the 39% worldwide population using the Internet, approx. 6% is estimated to be affected by IAD.

All project activities will be geared towards solving problems and improving the situation of disadvantaged adults. The project will create tools for institutions that support and care for disadvantaged adults: adult social care centres, adult education organisations, third age universities, local and regional education departments, etc.

Target Groups

Adult educators dealing mainly with disadvantaged adults (main)

People with fewer opportunities (low qualified, unemployed, adults at poverty risk, etc.) (secondary target group)


PR1: IADliber Survival Kit – a collection of content which will enhance skills related to mindfulness and other methods of focus, self-awareness and reliable assessment of the situation, in order to help create a society that is better educated and more resilient to IAD.

PR2: IADliber Mobile App – will allow the target group to check the observed symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder and assign them to specific remedial steps. The app will function without internet connection, once downloaded

Project website: https://iadliber.erasmus.site/


  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji I Przedsiębiorczości    Poland
  • Centre For Education   Spain
  • Rightchallenge -Associação   Portugal
  • Dekaplus Business Services Ltd    Cyprus
  • Istanbul Valiligi   Turkey
  • Macdac Engineering Consultancy Bureau Ltd – Mecb    Malta
INVENT – INcubator for innoVative non-formal EducatioN Transnationally

INVENT – INcubator for innoVative non-formal EducatioN Transnationally

Implementation period: 01.03.2023 – 01.03.2025
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2022-2-EL02-KA220-YOU-000100001

Project description:

The “INcubator for innoVative non-formal EducatioN Transnationally” project aims to address the key megatrends that are transforming the labour market and their implications for job quantity, job quality, and inclusiveness, gender equality, all of them key priorities of the EU today.

The main INVENT target is to create a sustainable cooperation among organisations in different parts of the world – during the INVENT life time between Europe and Sub-Saharan countries – building skills and matching skills and jobs to highlight and capture mismatches in the labour market, such as the long-term unemployment of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs), the most vulnerable and marginalized women by empowering with skills, competencies and tools to become multipliers of methodologies, to promote youth active participation and to foster inclusiveness within their communities, to develop and apply their skills to successfully transition to work and use all to change their life, work place and the society.

Target group

The primary target group of the INVENT project’s scope is:

  • NEETs:
  • young people (aged 15-29) – primarily females,
  • migrants
  • newcomers to EU

Project results

The main results of the project will be the creation of:

Development of e-INVENT Platform, Handbook and Toolkit

The overall objective of this activity is first define the way and then produce the actual materials that will foster the employability of vulnerable young women in different countries by developing their social skills (soft skills) and by facilitating opportunities for access to the labor market via orientation and integration schemes established in training and apprenticeship.

Training Pilots and Courses

WP is one of the essential stages in the INVENT project as its main aim is to identify any potential problem areas and deficiencies in the research instruments and the protocol prior to official implementation of the educational software.

This training phase is necessary and useful in providing the groundwork in a project.


  • REVIFY OÜ (Estonia)
  • AMAZING YOUTH (Greece)

Website: https://invent.erasmus.site/

UPINFOOD – Training for upskill key innovation related competences in VET for the micro and small businesses of the food sector

UPINFOOD – Training for upskill key innovation related competences in VET for the micro and small businesses of the food sector

Implementation period: 01.12.2022 – 30.11.2024
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000085003
Field: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project description:

UPINFOOD is a project aimed at accompanying the necessary transformation of the food supply chain toward more innovative and sustainable models thanks to quality VET education.

The main objective of UPINFOOD project is to promote the transformation of the sector towards a new modernised vision of food that supplies nowadays demand in quality and healthy products while being sustainable, taking the most of new technologies and being a motor of innovation, thanks to education addressed to the key actors of this industry.

UPINFOOD target audience

  • Food micro and small business professionals
  • VET professionals operating in the food sectors
  • Stakeholders
  • Local communities, who will benefit from the better awareness and implementation of ESG policies

UPINFOOD project results

  1. Competence framework for Food Small Business Innovation
  2. Training for Food Businesses
  3. Manual for food business innovation addressing the trainers

UPINFOOD website: https://upinfood.erasmus.site/


IDPFS – Poland | www.agrego.pl – project coordinator

MARKEUT SKILLS – Spain | www.meuskills.eu





FEDERALIMENTARE SERVIZI SRL – Italy | www.federalimentare.it