No Cyberbullying at the School!

No Cyberbullying at the School!

Implementation period: 19.09.2016 – 18.09.2018
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2016-1-TR01-KA201-034233

Project description:

The main aim of the project was to raise awareness against cyberbullying, to learn what had been done regarding the prevention of tyranny and using it for the sake of partner schools in Partners’ countries.

To achieve this goal, the project Partners established that they would conduct several trainings (LTTAs) devoted for partners and target group members (teachers). During the LTTAs, participants learned about cyberbullying, the ways to prevent this danger and methods of helping the victims and their families. During the project realization, Partners developed the website and created social media accounts (on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) to publish the useful information about this phenomenon.
Within the project, an e-book including of the information and activities and results carried out was prepared. For a better recognition and stronger dissemination effect, Partners used eTwinning platform to share the information and project’s results, and created “eTwinning corner” in each Partner’s organization.

  • Faik Erbagi Ortaokulu – Ankara, Turkey (coordinator)
  • Stowarzyszenie „Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości” – Rzeszów, Poland
  • Ud’Anet Srl – Torrevecchia Teatina, Italy
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva – Vila Verde, Portugal
  • Ankara Milli Egitim Mudurlugu – Ankara, Turkey
Project website:
TAP – Together Against Poverty

TAP – Together Against Poverty

Implementation period: 09.2014 – 08.2016
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2014-1-PL01-KA204-003326

Project description:

The main goal of the project is poverty prevention through development and implementation of educational tools that are suitable for both target groups of the project.

The main Intellectual Outputs are related to planned actions undertaken in two stages of the project. In the first stage – research – it has been planned to conduct a thorough study of poverty and social exclusion, supplemented with the study of social security models. The these actions are expected to produce the following outputs:

  • Research paper on poverty;
  • Research paper on the functioning of social security models.

The second stage – workshops – involves development of a methodology and holding workshops for the two target groups. The results produced at this stage are:

  • Methodology for conducting workshops targeted at groups of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion;
  • Methodology for conducting workshops targeted at decision and social policy makers.

Target group

  • people at risk of poverty or social exclusion (unemployed, low-skilled, low level of education, single parents, large families and people with low income);
  • decision makers and social policy makers.


  • “Center for Education and Enterprise Support” Association – Poland (coordinator)
  • Mittetulundusühing MITRA – Estonia
  • Volontariato Torino – Italy
  • Consortiul International Lectura si Scrierea pentru Dezvoltarea Gandirii Critice – Romania
  • Stichting LEIDO – Netherlands
Effective mentoring

Effective mentoring

Implementation period: 10.2013 – 06.2014
Assistance program: Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme
Project number: II/FST/27

Project description:

The aim of the project was to enable the establishment and continuation of cooperation between the Association and planned to acquire Swiss partner in the area of institutions operating based on mentoring.

This goal has been achieved by completion of a study visit to Switzerland, meeting with the Swiss experts concerning a mentoring and preparation of publications presenting effective solutions in the field of mentoring in Switzerland. Identification, description in detail and popularization of knowledge on this subject contributed to the better functioning of Polish institutions using mentoring. The project has been successful in organizing and holding of the study visit and the development of the publication presenting Swiss solutions in the field of mentoring.

Project work schedule:

  • Phase I – „Preparation of study visit” [01/10/2013-31/12/2013].
  • Phase II – „Geeting to know Swiss solutions In the area of mentoring – study tour” [01/01/2014-31/03/2014].
  • Phase III – „Promotion of Swiss solutions in the area of mentoring” [01/03/2014-30/06/2014].

Results/benefits of the project:

  • Implementation of study visit
  • Letter of intent with partner from abroad
  • Publication– the result of the project
  • Increase of entities embraced by support implementing best practices

Target group:

The main recipients of the effects of the project were public and private institutions using or interested in using mentoring in their business. Moreover academic centres, which have been the subject of research of this type of method, as well as individuals who are interested in the subject.

Value of financing: 20 682,84 CHF

Look at:,,

Projekt współfinansowany przez Szwajcarię w ramach szwajcarskiego programu współpracy z nowymi krajami członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej

Project supported by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union


Study of utility of income in Polish households and its impact on the households

Study of utility of income in Polish households and its impact on the households

Implementation period: 10.2013 – 12.2014
Assistance program: programme is financed with the Association’s own resources
Project description:

The main goal of the project is to determine how an assessment of the utility of income influences households in making the decision whether to initiate or postpone consumption.

Detailed goals of the project:

  • Characteristics of income condition in Polish households, years 2010-2012;
  • Characteristics of income, spending and savings diversity in households, from the perspective of socio-economic and demographic factors;
  • Analysis of income, spending and savings distribution of households, from the aforementioned perspective;
  • Sectional analysis of income diversity and poverty of households from the aforementioned perspective.


The main result of the project shall be a synthetic report from the analysis of a financial situation of households; utility of income achieved in households examined from different socio-economic and demographic perspectives, including the role of the utility of income and its impact on households’ decisions; and the analysis of poverty in households. Additional results are academic papers on the subjects researched within the project’s framework.

Main recipients of the results

Scientists, institutions helping people facing poverty and social exclusion, social policy makers.

Implementing institution

  • “Center for Education and Enterprise Support” Association

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CRS – Children Rough Sleepers

CRS – Children Rough Sleepers

CRS – Children Rough Sleepers
Implementation period: 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2014
Assistance program: Daphne III
Project number: JUST/2011/DAP/AG/3022

Project description:

CRS – Children Rough Sleepers: A Study Relating to Children Rough Sleepers who are Runaways & Homeless and Victims of Sexual Exploitation/Abuse & other Violence on the Streets and Development of Knowledge Transfer Activities that Improve Services & Policies to Support & Protect these Vulnerable Children

To examine the incident of children running away from home as a result of domestic violence and sexual abuse and to offer them comprehensive assistance and give essential support for dealing with such children.

The results of the project

  • report of the research on the causes of homelessness of children experiencing violence, sexual exploitation or abuse,
  • a guide for people dealing with such children,
  • conferences and informational materials about homelessness amongst children and effective methods of prevention,
  • an educational program designed to provide efficient support for such children.

Target group

Homeless children fleeing from their homes because of experienced violence, mistreatment or abuse, aid institutions, decision-makers in the area of social policy, scientists involved in social issues.

Institutionslogo crs

  • University of Wolverhampton (UK),
  • Communicate NGO (Czech Republic),
  • International Child Development Initiatives – ICDI (Netherlands),
  • Communicate NGO (Czech Republic),
  • Conversas de Rua Associacao (Portugal),
  • CCRESS Ltd. (UK),
  • Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning (Romania),
  • AGreenment Association (Italy),
  • Euro Coop (Slovenia),
  • Simetrias (Spain),
  • Regional Social Welfare Resource Centre (Hungary).




daphne eu daphne

With financial support from the Daphne III Programme of the European Union.
This publication/material/website has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of CRS consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.

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Project GEPP

Projekt GEPP
Implementation period: 01.08.2009 – 31.07.2011
Assistance program: Lifelong Learning ProgrammeGrundtvig
Project number: 2009-1-AT1-GRU06-01530 4

Project description:

The main objective of the project was to provide training courses and support for disadvantaged groups, which will help in maintaining or obtaining employment.

Created a platform that contains a collection of good practices, examples and tips on how to support people from exclusion – social and vocational – groups (the disabled, immigrants, people over 50 years of age, ethnic and religious minorities, people with low education, single parents, immigrants and former prisoners). The main objective of the project was to provide training courses and support for disadvantaged groups, which will help in maintaining or obtaining employment.

Implementation of the project is due to a large variation in the approach to the problem in EU countries. The project is therefore also to provide a place to discuss the shape of support for people at risk of exclusion, to facilitate understanding of the diversity of cultural, social and economic development in Europe and its effects on employment and activities and enable it to support the exchange of knowledge and good practices.

The platform is used against the rights of European countries in the prevention of unemployment, the establishment of the partnership rules for determining the effectiveness of programs to prevent unemployment, to discuss and gather (by the institutions participating in the project) tools and training for people at risk of exclusion, the publication of these reports and includes a discussion forum for cooperation in the field of vocational training in the European Union.

Project platform:

The results of the project

Created a platform for collecting examples of best practices, help to enter the labor market for those who are excluded and maintain employment.

Target group

Schools (including vocational education), vocational counselors, employers.


  • Karriere Club (Austria) – Coordinator,
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants Ltd (United Kingdom),
  • Interattiva S.a.s. (Italy),
  • Institut Republike Slovenije za Rehabilitacijo (Slovenia),
  • Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu Kolledž (Estonia),
  • MEROSYSTEM s.r.o. (Czech Republic),
  • Arbes Gesellshaft für Arbeitsförderung, Bzeschäftigung und Strukturentwicklung mbH (Germany),
  • Regionális Szociális Forrásközpont Kht. (Hungary).

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