3DP TEACHER – implementation of 3D Printing in future education

3DP TEACHER – implementation of 3D Printing in future education

Implementation period: 01.10.2019 – 30.09.2021
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2019-1-PT01-KA201-060833

Project description: 

The Industry 4.0, and particularly technology of 3D printing (3DP) is entering schools curricula all over the world, and its potential is becoming widely recognized. Many teachers consider this innovation in the sector welcome and necessary, but they very often lack proper technical and methodological knowledge to embrace this new technology. In order to change this situation, the aim of the project is to improve the digital competences of teachers in relation to implementing of 3D printing in education.

This aim will be achieved through:

  • developing 3DP Teachers’ Guidebook (covering case studies, lesson plans with 3DP, recommendations on possible implementation);
  • developing 3D modelling course for Teachers;
  • developing of online environment for teachers interested in applying 3DP solutions;
  • initiating the network of 3DP teacher experts.

Target groups:

  • teachers from secondary schools interested in innovations and development of their digital skills in teaching;
  • students interested in new technologies and pursuing career in rapidly developing technology market;
  • school managers/directors, officials responsible for education.

Project outputs:

  • 3DP Teachers’ Guidebook;
  • Innovative Teachers Environment (ITE) – OER.


    • Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva – Vila Verde, Portugal (coordinator)
    • Special Education and Guidance Services – Ankara, Turkey
    • Fyg Consultores – Valencia, Spain
    • SC Ludor Engineering SRL – Valea Adanca, Romania
    • University Of Thessaly – Uth – Volos, Greece
    • Cwep – Rzeszow, Poland
    • Labc S.R.L. – Torino, Italy
    • Szkola Podstawowa im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego w Nowej Wsi – Czudec, Poland

Project website: https://3dp-teacher.erasmus.site

I-AID: Internet Abuse Identification and personaliseD withdrawal strategies

I-AID: Internet Abuse Identification and personaliseD withdrawal strategies

Implementation period: 01.11.2019 – 31.10.2021
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2019-1-UK01-KA204-062021

Project description: 

The project aims at empowering adults to deal with situations of excessive preoccupation with Internet/screen abuse (known as Internet Addictive Behaviour – IAB), equipping them with the skills and the tools to modify their behaviour. It draws on contemporary research findings and considers that Internet/screen overuse is not a “childhood or adolescent disease” but also a growing risk among adults.
Main goal:
Fight against excessive internet use and social exclusion.

Project outputs:

  • Training Approach & Internet Addiction Pal
  • Supporting Content and Facilitating Tools – e-learning platform


    • CIVIC COMPUTING – Edinburgh, United Kingdom (coordinator)
    • ASSERTED KNOWLEDGE – Piraeus, Greece
    • TNTU – Nottingham, United Kingdom
    • Private Institute Emphasys Centre – Nicosia, Cyprus
    • CWEP – Rzeszow, Poland

Website: https://i-aid.erasmus.site/

On The Money Trail – Newsletter No. 4

On The Money Trail – Newsletter No. 4

We present the fourth newsletter of the OnTheMoneyTrail project, in it you can find information about the e-book pilot tests completed by us. You will also learn about the financial education of children in different countries and find an example game for learning finance issues. Read the newsletter and see what we accomplished.

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WOT Final Conference

WOT Final Conference

The Final Conference of the WOT project took place in Rzeszow (Poland) on May 10th, 2019. The venue was the Regional Development Agency in Rzeszow. The conference started at 9:30 (registration) and ended at approximately 16:00 (closing speech). Continue reading