Newsletter GAEA

Newsletter GAEA

We present newsletter related to the GAEA project. This newsletter presents the whole picture of the project from the beginning of the project until the end of 2022. Continue reading

The first BRAND project newsletter is now available!

The first BRAND project newsletter is now available!

We are happy to present our first newsletter, in which you will find information about the BRAND project, its main objectives and the partner team behind its implementation. We invite you to read it to learn more about our activities and plans!


BRAND Newsletter #1

BRAND Newsletter #1

The BRAND project began in September this year and will run for the next 24 months. If you are interested in fashion and at the same time in the environment and how the fashion industry affects it, the project results are aimed at you! Continue reading

BRIDGES Newsletter #3

BRIDGES Newsletter #3

The Bridges project is slowly coming to an end. Over the past two years, the partners have been working on the project’s deliverables, including the Employer Engagement Framework, which was developed in IO1, and the CPD program developed in IO2. Continue reading

Cub@Work – Newsletter #4

Cub@Work – Newsletter #4

In September 2022, the CUB@Work partnership looks back on two years of successful collaboration. In autumn 2020, in the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic, 8 partners from 6 countries (Germany, Denmark Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain) met for the first time online to launch the project “Cultural Unconscious Bias in the Workplace”. Continue reading