ENTRE-FORWARD – Entrepreneurship Guidance Assessment Tool

ENTRE-FORWARD – Entrepreneurship Guidance Assessment Tool

ENTRE-FORWARD (Enhancing entrepreneurship skills) is an international project co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme; the project is implemented and developed by six organisations from six countries (Portugal, Poland, France, Italy, Spain & Greece) sharing the ultimate aim to support upskilling and raising awareness to educators, trainers and guidance practitioners in education training, employment, and the general public on the development of entrepreneurial skills.

Entrepreneurship Guidance Assessment Tool – The aim of this ressource is to assist career counselors to assess entrepreneurial skills of young adults, in order to provide them tailor made services and implement specific career guidance schemes towards entrepreneurship. The online tool includes tests that will be helpful for the identification, evaluation, and development of entrepreneurial skills for wide audiences and especially for young adults.

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