Third meeting of the GEN-Z project partners

Third meeting of the GEN-Z project partners

On 8th of September, the GEN-Z project partners met online to discuss the overall progress of the project, the achievements so far and to establish a plan for the coming period. The meeting was attended by partners from all organisations involved in the project. Continue reading

PLGE Multiplier Event

PLGE Multiplier Event

The Polish Multiplier Event was organized 09.07.2020 and 20.07.2020. The event was divided into two due to the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus outbreak. In the end it was a total success, with attendees eager to ask questions on questions on the project results for their purposes. Continue reading

FLYie – The Methodological Guide is available now!

FLYie – The Methodological Guide is available now!

We are pleased to announce that we have completed work on the first Intellectual Output of the FLYie – Female Legends Youth innovation and entrepreneurship project, whose main objective is promoting the values of gender equality in the field of innovative and social entrepreneurship through game-based activities. Continue reading