Second partners’ meeting  under the WOT project – Paris

Second partners’ meeting under the WOT project – Paris

In the capital of France on 26th-27th June 2017, the second meeting of the partners under the project “WOT – Work-based Entrepreneurship Training for People with Disabilities” took place. Partners discussed the developing intellectual results: content of two guides and two sets of e-learning courses, dedicated to people with physical disability who want to increase their entrepreneurial potential and their mentors who run a business or work as a freelancers. Continue reading

Internal testing of the game supported development of entrepreneurial competencies – Gamify Your Teaching project

Internal testing of the game supported development of entrepreneurial competencies – Gamify Your Teaching project

Within the project „Gamify Your Teaching – increasing vocational competences of entrepreneurship Teachers with the use of gamification” currently, the internal testing of the game developing the entrepreneurial skills are conducted. Partners are refining the last details, so that young people along with teachers of entrepreneurship-related subjects can make their own tests and assess the functionality of the game. Continue reading

The second partners meeting of the project WWA

The second partners meeting of the project WWA

The second partners meeting within the project “WaterWorldAdventure – interactive e-book to improve Ocean Literacy for Children – WWA” was held at headquarters of the Association „The Centre for Education and Entrepreneurship Support” in Rzeszow, on 27th and 28th April 2017.
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Gamify Your Teaching – the partnership meeting in Valencia

Gamify Your Teaching – the partnership meeting in Valencia

On 20 and 21 April in Valencia, Spain, the last but one meeting of the Gamify project took place. The hosting company FyG has created a friendly atmosphere and ensured a good work organization, so that all the goals have been achieved. The partners discussed together the ongoing tasks connected with the testing of the game, the main result of the project, along with the accompanying result – teaching materials for teachers. The meeting ended with a summary of the decisions taken and a list of further tasks to be done in the project in the following months. Continue reading