ECVET workshop in Warsaw

ECVET workshop in Warsaw

ecvet logoOn Monday the 13.4.2015 a workshop was held in Warsaw focusing on the use of ECVET in Life Long Learning. It was organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (Polish National Agency) and ECVET experts. Presented topics included ECVET in Life Long Learning and the pros and cons of the EPALE platform.

The representative of CWEP had the opportunity to actively participate in this meeting. Possibly the most important were practical activities during which the workshop participants were divided into four groups. The participants were then given a task to develop standard learning outcomes in a variety of industries, including gastronomy, technical works and tourism.

Throughout the group work, ECVET consultants offered advice and assistance. Later each team presented their findings while other teams participated by commenting and asking questions. Workshops such as this are an excellent form of practice for individuals. It gives them the opportunity to learn from the knowledge and skills of other team members who have different experiences in the field.
Our previous experience in the construction industry proved very helpful, especially the experience related to the development and the testing of the European Credit System for Vocational Education, as well as training within the project CONVET. While comparing the use of this system in other industries and using the knowledge of experts, we have noticed that our work on web-based applications with embedded qualification comparisons is heading in the right direction.

For more information please, visit the project website


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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