Project number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000034687
Project description:
The RetroVET project will support the fight against climate change and promote the benefits of an environmentally sustainable approach to vocational education and training through the “Green Elements”. It aims to:
– Contribute to develop and promote a green culture among VET establishments
– Close the green skills gap between VET centres that have successfully adopted green skills implementation practices, by facilitating the integration of amongst VET centres which have not embraced ICT practices
– Develop a collaborative European Green Skills VET peer mentoring and performance improvement tool/frameworK
– Capitalise on existing European vocational training networks multiplier structures and regional hubs to mainstream ICT skills change in VET centres across Europe
– Promote and facilitate green skills learning through cross-curricular collaboration and remote peer-to-peer learning amongst European VET centres, practitioners and wider stakeholders
Target Group:
- VET trainers
- VET learners
- stakeholders
Project Results:
- R1: Best Practice Handbook on Green Skills integration– will gather and analyse best practices in the application and incorporation of the “Green Elements”: 1) Green VET Strategy, 2) Green VET Approach 3) Green VET Skills and Knowledge in VET to encourage knowledge and wider awareness of green skills within vocational learning environments, specifically amongst VET learners.
- R2: Interactive Green VET Benchmarking Tool– designed to measure the level of integration, willingness to adopt, level of adoption, use, skills, knowledge, barriers to implementation, of the green elements: strategy, approach and skills through criteria based on best practices already gathered in the R1
- R3: RetroVET Platform & Matching Tool- This output will take the form of the etwinning model and will broadly align itself with the same European level mission of the etwinning platform, but for VET centre
- R4: RetroVET Facilitator eCourse– 30-hour e-course and supporting CPD resources will upskill, reskill and focus VET trainers and practitioners to gain the skills and knowledge to be able to actively provide support and guidance to VET learners around green skills learning activities relating to their organisation’s specific green strategy and green approach to VET provision
Project website:
- assist Gesellschaft für Unternehmensberatung und Personalentwicklung mbH– Paderborn, Germany (coordinator)
- Cuiablue OÜ– Tallinn, Estonia
- LABC S.R.L., Torino, Italy
- LOVILA LIMITED, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Mindshift Talent Advisory lda, Lisbon, Portugal