The appearance of the next scientific publications of the association as part of the publishing business: “Poverty and social exclusion in selected European countries”, “Oblicza ubóstwa i wykluczenia społecznego w wybranych krajach europejskich” and “Modele zabezpieczenia społecznego w wybranych krajach europejskich”.
The launch of the preparatory phase of the project “TAP-Together Against Poverty” as part of the program Erasmus+.
The appearance of the first two publications of the association as part of the publishing business.
Implementation of the projects: “TAP-Together Against Poverty” and “ET-NEETs – Effective Training for NEETs” under the programme Erasmus +.
The launch of the project “ECVET for the recognition of qualifications in the construction sector – CONVET” in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci-Transfer of Innovation.
The launch of the project “Effective mentoring – the analysis of the Swiss mentoring” under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme.
Launch of the project “Study of general income of Polish households and their impact on household behavior” which is the first research project of the Association.