The Entre-Forward project partners are currently working to develop an On-line Career Guidance Tool.
The aim of the tool is to assist career counselors to assess the entrepreneurial skills of young adults, in order to provide them tailor made services and implement specific career guidance schemes towards entrepreneurship, according to the results of the tests.
This tool will be particularly innovative as the assessment method won’t have the traditional form of a questionnaire, but it will use interactive activities and audiovisual methods that will assess the skills of the young adults in a form of scenarios and simulation activities.
To achieve the best results, the project partners conducted mini focus groups in their respective countries. The expert groups that were assigned to review the online tool consisted of various experts, i.e. psychologists, entrepreneurs, HR managers, etc. The main task of the experts was to assess the content validity of the questionnaires.
The focus group in Poland included four experts: three entrepreneurs and one HR manager. In January, the experts were given files to evaluate. In general, the experts’ evaluations were high, but there were situations where sections were rated lower.
The evaluation by experts from all countries is described in detail in a report that will be used by partners to improve the questionnaires and to enhance the online tool that will be available soon!
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