Getting closer to the creation of the game teaching entrepreneurship – partners’ meeting in Gamify project in Rzeszow

Getting closer to the creation of the game teaching entrepreneurship – partners’ meeting in Gamify project in Rzeszow

In Rzeszow, at the headquarters of “Centre for Education and Enterprise Support” Association, on 20th and 21st April this year, there was a partners’ meeting within “Gamify Your Teaching – Increasing vocational competences of entrepreneurship Teachers with the use of gamification” project, implemented under the Erasmus+ programme.

The representatives of all partner institutions of the project, including Romania, Great Britain, Lithuania, Greece, Italy and Spain, attended the meeting. Partners discussed the results of research concerning needs’ analysis, that reported the needs of potential recipients of games supporting the entrepreneurship education process. Gamification, which the philosophy of the game is based on, assumes the strict connection between elements of entertainment and educational component. Partners had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the ideas for some of the game’s elements, which were prepared by the IT specialists from the Association, and which aimed to present its main assumptions. In addition to the substantive issues, the coordination of individual activities and the dissemination and evaluation of the project processes were discussed, as well as financial issues. In the spare time, partners had the opportunity to learn about the culture of Podkarpacie and tried traditional, regional dishes.


Changing lives. Opening minds.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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