Implementation of the projects

Implementation of the projects

Implementation of the projects: “TAP-Together Against Poverty” and “ET-NEETs – Effective Training for NEETs” under the programme Erasmus +.

Together Against Poverty

Together Against Poverty

The launch of the preparatory phase of the project “TAP-Together Against Poverty” as part of the program Erasmus+.

The first publications

The first publications

The appearance of the first two publications of the association as part of the publishing business.



The launch of the project “ECVET for the recognition of qualifications in the construction sector – CONVET” in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci-Transfer of Innovation.

Obtaining ISBNs

Obtaining ISBNs

Obtaining ISBNs from the National Library for publications of the association.

Effective mentoring

The launch of the project “Effective mentoring – the analysis of the Swiss mentoring” under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme.

The first research project

Launch of the project “Study of general income of Polish households and their impact on household behavior” which is the first research project of the Association.