Project Upthem – work in progress!

Project Upthem – work in progress!

We are excited to announce that all the partners of Upthem project are now working hard on the final version of the training programme (first intellectual output), which is being translated into Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian and more. Continue reading

Free2Link – Project progress

Free2Link – Project progress

Over 250 professionals, from Italy and Greece, participated in the survey conducted by the Free2Link project to understand the level of knowledge and the availability of practical tools to identify and combat the phenomenon of online human trafficking. Thanks to their contribution, Progetto Tenda, DRC and Nesta Italia have developed a series of reflections to design training activities and offer adequate support. The results of the survey will be available in the Research Report available at

Free2Link is a project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)

#free2link #stophumantrafficking #digitalawareness

Free2Link – Project progress

Free2Link – Project progress

Tracing a state of the art on the phenomenon of e-trafficking in Europe, gathering information, case studies and recommendations to support the work of field operators and international organizations: this is the objective of the Research Report by Progetto Tenda, DRC Greece and Nesta Italia in the context of the Free2link project. The report will be downloadable for free at the link

Free2Link is a project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)

#free2link #stophumantrafficking #digitalawareness

Free2Link – Project progress

Free2Link – Project progress

How does the Internet facilitate the recruitment, transport and exploitation of human beings? In the Research Report by Progetto Tenda, DRC Greece and Nesta Italia, we will explore  the role of digital technologies, accompanied by guidelines and recommendations formulated by international agencies. The report will be available soon for free on

Free2Link is a project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)

#free2link #stophumantrafficking #digitalawareness

SEEDS kick of meeting

SEEDS kick of meeting

The first meeting of the project SEEDS: Substance of circular Economy concept as Efficacious Determinant for the development of Successful entrepreneurship, was held through the Teams platform and was the official start of the project. Continue reading

Free2Link – Project progress

Free2Link – Project progress

E-trafficking is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Despite its spread throughout  Europe, there is still little and fragmentary information on its manifestations. As part of the European project Free2Link, Progetto Tenda, together with DRC Greece and Nesta Italia, has carried out a research, enriched by a survey conducted among operators on the front line, to offer an updated and reliable tool that helps professionals and organizations in the identification and contrast of online trafficking phenomenon. The report will soon be available for free on

Free2Link is a project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)

#free2link #stophumantrafficking #digitalawareness