We encourage you to read the ECILP project flyer. Continue reading
Category: News
Teacher 4.0 – 3rd Newsletter
We would like to welcome you to the third edition of the Teacher 4.0 newsletter. Continue reading
The third Newsletter of IDEA project
The third Newsletter of IDEA project is ready! Feel encouraged to check the material which describes the effects of the third online meeting of project team, the upcoming LTTA and more information on the Interactive Toolset (one of the results of IDEA project). Continue reading
We are happy to announce that we are now finalizing the third Newsletter for the IDEA project. Continue reading
Dlaczego potrzebujemygospodarki o obiegu zaminętym?
VISE – 1st Newsletter
We would like to welcome you to the first edition of the VISE newsletter. Continue reading
Gen-Z – Pilot testing!
In the coming months (April, May) we will organize piloting of the intellectual outputs that have been developed in the Gen-Z project. Continue reading
Be safe on the Internet!
Please take a look at the poster presenting the issue of cybersecurity together with the aim of DiSC project. Continue reading
Third Newsletter of the FIL project
We would like to announce the release of third Newsletter of the FIL project. You can find here informations about e. g. finished work on the first and second Intelligence Outputs, as well as the creation of the Didactic Handbook for Adult Educators. Furthermore, the publication contains details of next activities which partners are going to work on, such as, testing IO2 with target groups. Read our newest FIL project Newsletter to know more! Continue reading
COWLECTIVE – Newsletter 1
We would like to present the first Newsletter of the COWLECTIVE project! Continue reading