Since February 2016 the Association “The Centre for Education and Entrepreneurship Support” has been a contact point for programme “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE)”. It is a European Commission programme, that enables an exchange of knowledge between young and experienced entrepreneurs.
The Association is a partner in an international programme „BYE-8”, which is coordinated by a Chamber of Commerce – FORMAPER (Italy), with other partners being: First Elements (Cyprus), AEFPA (Spain), EMPLOYABILITY TOWN LTD (Great Britain), POLISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Poland), FyG Consultores (Spain), PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS (Greece), EUROPEAN CONFEDERATION OF YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS AISBL (Belgium), ERASMUS CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP BV (the Netherlands), UNIVERSITY STEFAN CEL MARE SUCEAVA (Romania).
Who can be a beneficiary?
„Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE)” is a programme for young entrepreneurs, firmly planning to set up their own business or those who have already started one within the last three years.
You should know that:
- Young Entrepreneur is a title that has nothing to do with age, it concerns anyone, who would like to start or has recently started his or her business for the first time.
- Young Entrepreneur will go for an internship, not to a company but to other entrepreneur (business owner or a member of a Board of Directors). This will be the person who started the business, developed it, and reached its first clients, hence he or she will be able to share the most precious information and guidance with a young inexperienced entrepreneur.
How does it work?
„Both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs willing to participate in this programme should apply using registration tool or state their preferred local contact point” – that is CEES Association!
The objective of the Association „The Centre for Education and Entrepreneurship Support” is to help entrepreneurs in filling in the application form and making contact with the right entrepreneur.
After being qualified for the programme, young entrepreneurs will have an internship (lasting from 1 to 6 months) with an experienced entrepreneur, in a selected EU country. The financial agreement, which defines the activity of our partnership (BYE-8), enables us to send an entrepreneur for a maximum of 3 months.
Young Entrepreneur can take advantage of this form of support, offered within EYE programme, only once, while an organization can host many entrepreneurs, but only one at a time.
CEES Association will coordinate both sending entrepreneurs abroad and hosting them in Poland.
If you do not see any benefits from the very beginning, perhaps this is not the right programme for you. EU statistics show that till now among the programme’s participants, 90% of young and 86% of experienced entrepreneurs confirm, that the exchange has stimulated the development of their businesses.
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or reach us on:
Tel.+48 178536672