Taste Different

Taste Different

Taste Different
Implementation period: 01.08.2012 – 31.07.2014
Assistance program: Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig
Project number: 2012-1-IT2-GRU06-37670 4

Project description:

A large number of marginalised people are found across Europe. Due to lack of education, job opportunities and to some extent language training or ICT skills, they are at risk of social exclusion. The Taste Different project sought to promote active inclusion through something as simple as food.

It is universally accepted that food and the preparation of food is a key activity for human beings; the number of articles presented daily in the media, of published cook books and of the amount of money spend on our daily bread all point to this. Furthermore food has an ability to bring people together, to make us talk and share our cultural background and stories. To share a meal means more than simply eating together.

Taste Different sought to make use of this diversity through food in an effort to create a venue for marginalised adults living in Turkey, Poland and Denmark. A venue where marginalised men and women could met and through informal activities share cultural backgrounds, prepare and share dishes and in turn work towards a common recognition of the value found in diversity, together with developing language and ICT skills.


  • VFIN Videnscenter for integration (Denmark);
  • Bartin Belediyesi (Turkey).