Meeting in Lugano, Switzerland

Meeting in Lugano, Switzerland


One of the CEES projects implemented under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme refers to the cooperation between the Association and a potential Swiss partner in the field of mentoring and best practices for its use.

On 5th May 2014, representatives of CEES took part in a study visit, which helped to establish contact with the organization “ECAP Research & Development”, the Swiss leader in the field of mentoring and coaching. The scope of the knowledge and materials concerned the definition and theory of mentoring, coaching comparisons, identifying the best techniques and ways to use mentoring, depending on the target group. At the end, were also presented training and development projects based on mentoring, which have been successful. We hope that this knowledge will allow us to develop a valuable publication and transferring good practices from Switzerland to Poland.

Please visit:,,

Projekt współfinansowany przez Szwajcarię w ramach szwajcarskiego programu współpracy z nowymi krajami członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej.

Project supported by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.


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