For five days in September (22-26.09.2015), representatives of the Association participated in a short training program (LTTA), within the frame of the project “TAP – Together Against Poverty”. The meeting was dedicated to the projects’ partners, with a focus on mutual learning, and the main objective being the development of two adequate workshop methodologies.
These methodologies, addressed to people in poverty, socially excluded, as well as decision makers and local politics, will be a result of the subsequent phases of the project. During the meeting, people engaged in the project, had an opportunity to share experience and undergo a few days training, that helped them acquire necessary skills. This particularly was the main area of interests. The project’s partners prepared specific elements of the training program, which constituted a coherent whole. Hence the participants had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with (and to practice) methods of group work, use of heuristic methods and skillful implementation of soft skills.
Working together, partners developed basic workshops methodology and integrated as a team to a greater extent than before, which resulted in improved effectiveness of project’s actions. Apart from formal, project’s dimension of the meeting, there was also free time spend together, which served building integration and mutual trust. Meeting in Turin, not only brought a certain effect in the project, but it also helped to strengthen the relationship between people involved in that project.
Changing lives. Opening minds.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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