The project was devoted to children who fled or were expelled left the house, they were deprived of proper care or accommodation, and thus forced to stay away from home, sleeping on the street and those who face the problem of homelessness.
The project offered a variety of tools available for use in working with such children, a review of available policies, instruments and the results of research aimed at raising awareness of the problem and indicated the proposed solutions (guide to the best practice recommendations for decision-makers, training for professionals dealing with such children).
CRS conference did not include only the results and recommendations arising from them, it was a much wider range thanks to the guests:
- Cécile Kyenge, Italian MEP;
- Regina Jensdóttir, representative of the European Council;
- Liz Gosme, a senior officer in FEANTSA (European Federation of Organisations Working with the Homeless);
- Kate Moss, a professor of criminal justice at the University of Wolverhampton, CRS Project Coordinator;
- Mathijs Euwema, director of ICDI, partner in the project CRS.
As an Association, “Center for Support of Education and Entrepreneurship” we are pleased that we were able to actively participate in the project, which dealt with such an important issue as homeless children. We hope that the results of the project will be recognized by both the European authorities and local authorities and that they will be effectively used in the construction of an effective system to help homeless children.
With financial support from the Daphne III Programme of the European Union.
This publication/material/website has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of CRS consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.