Research activities

Research activities

Initiating research activities in the field of social and economic analysis.



The launch of the project “Development of The Center for Education and Entrepreneurship Support through the implementation of a package of new services for entrepreneurs on mobile devices”, so that entrepreneurs can benefit from counseling support available on mobile devices.



The launch of the “API – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH PORTAL – a package of integrated services for entrepreneurs”, allows for remote preparation of specialized business research for entrepreneurs.

Children Rough Sleepers

Children Rough Sleepers

The beginning of the research project “Children Rough Sleepers” devoted to homelessness among children. The project under the direction of University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom).

I.O.R. – Impact of Relationship

I.O.R. – Impact of Relationship

The beginning of implementation of the project „I.O.R. – Impact of Relationship” analyzing the safe use of social media by children in all EU countries. The project under the direction of local government of Rimini Province (Italy).

Work Life Balance

Implementation of common initiative with Work Life Balance champions for reconciliation of private and professional life.

The signing of a cooperation agreement

The signing of a cooperation agreement

The signing of a cooperation agreement with the three institutions involved in the promotion of business and entrepreneurship: Lesser Poland Institute of Economics, Association of Subcarpathian Information Technology and Association for Women “Victoria”.