The international training within the ECILP project (LTTA Training) was held on August 24-27, 2021. A total of 17 people participated in the training. All participants were employees of the partner organizations and are involved in the work on Intellectual Outputs. The training was held online, due to the restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Learn more about the ECILP project at:  

Next meeting of Jiminy project partners

Next meeting of Jiminy project partners

On 30.07.2021, the partners of the project JIMINY – Journey to lncrease your techniques of eMotional lntelligence, digital awareNess and entrepreneurship lilestYle, met for an online meeting aimed at summarising the work and determining the upcoming tasks. Continue reading

FLYie – ME in Poland

FLYie – ME in Poland

The Polish national multiplier event of the FLYie project was organized on July 5, 2021, in Rzeszow. The main scope of the Multiplier event was to disseminate the results of the FLYie project to a community of young girls and women, young people, youth trainers, relevant professionals and companies, female associations, and other stakeholders in Poland. Continue reading