The Polish national multiplier event for the project “WaterWorldAdventure – Interactive eBook to improve the Ocean Literay of Kids” took place on September 20, 2018 in Brzyska (Poland). The meeting was attended by teachers, school directors and local stakeholders. Continue reading

WWA – 4th project newsletter

WWA – 4th project newsletter

We invite you to read the final newsletter of the WWA project. In it you will find a summary of the activities undertaken for the knowledge of the oceanic environment together with information on the project results – an interactive e-book and a facilitator’s guide for teachers and parents. Thank you for your support and commitment to the project and we encourage you to familiarize with the next steps we take on the website cwep.eu. Continue reading

Interesting project called E-CAL

Interesting project called E-CAL

The E-CAL (acronym from French e-Coaching et Apprentissage des Langues) project under the implementation by the DANMAR COMPUTERS organisation is worth mentioning due to the wide target group.

The project is addressed to representatives of universities, secondary schools and training institutions.

Both teachers and students will benefit from the project. Continue reading

Another LTTA training as part of the “No Cyberbullying at the School!” project

Another LTTA training as part of the “No Cyberbullying at the School!” project

From 2nd to 6th July 2018 in Rzeszow another LTTA training took place as part of the “No Cyberbullying at the School!” project. The meeting, organized by CWEP, was attended by representatives from all partner companies: Faik Erbagi Ortaokulu, Ud’Anet Srl, Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva and Ankara Milli Egitim Mudurlugu.

On the first day, the partners were familiarized with data on cyberbullying among children and youth in Poland.
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Third partnership meeting in DECENT project

Third partnership meeting in DECENT project

The Third Partnership Meeting in the DECENT project was organized by Know and Can Ltd. on the 3rd and 4th of July in Sofia.

On the first day of the meeting, partners shared their national reports on conducted research. This part was followed by a discussion. Besides of that, partners focused on the e-learning environment (led by CWEP) and further works on course contents.
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LTTA training as part of the project “Environmental Learning Illustrated”

LTTA training as part of the project “Environmental Learning Illustrated”

From 11th to 15th June 2018 in Turin (Italy) the LTTA training took place under the project “Environmental Learning Illustrated”, which was organized by Volontariato Torino. During the training, the partners elaborated the concept of educational story concerning the problems related with environmental protection. Participants also attended on the meetings with representatives of local institutions focused on environmental protection, as well as visited various places and institutions acting for the benefit of environmental protection. Continue reading

WaterWorldAdventure partnership meeting in Arad

WaterWorldAdventure partnership meeting in Arad

The 4th Partnership Meeting in the WaterWorldAdventure project took place on 14th and 15th of May, in Arad, Romania. The meeting was hosted by ISJ Arad. The main topic of the meeting was the interactive e-Book.

The first day of the meeting was devoted to the following issues: an overview of work progress since the last meeting, report about management and implementation of results, e-Book illustrations, presentation of the final Guide version, pilot testing and video presentations.

On the second day of the meeting partners planned further steps in the project and discussed management and result implementation. They also focused on drafting an IPR Agreement and the Sustainability strategy. Continue reading

Another LTTA training as part of the project “No Cyberbullying at the School!”

Another LTTA training as part of the project “No Cyberbullying at the School!”

From 30th April to 4th May 2018 in Torrevecchia Teatina (Italy) next LTTA training took place under the project “No Cyberbullying at the School!”, which was organized by Ud’Anet. During the visit, the partners were invited to the secondary schools, where they can familiarize with the cyberbullying phenomenon in Italy and the methods of prevent it. Participants also attended on the meeting with representatives of local institutions focused on cyber safety of children and youth. The partners spared the time on detailed discussion the current tasks of the project, as well as on presenting the results of the previous LTTA training. At the end of a few-days meeting, all project participants received the certificates confirming participation in the training. Continue reading