C4C – Citizens for Climate

C4C – Citizens for Climate

Implementation period: 
Project number: 101081687—C4C—CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV

Assistance program: CERV

Project description:

The project (Citizens for Climate) aims at encouraging the civic and democratic participation of citizens, specifically youngsters, on local environmental issues through a wide range of tools and activities implemented in four European countries: Italy, France, Poland, and Hungary. The project’s main activities are COP simulations (and TOTs for teachers and educators), Citizien’s Science Research at the local level (with the RANAS Approach), a workshop with WANE (We Are Nature Expedition – journalistic report), implementation of a local and one transnational raising awareness campaign (Transnational Conference), drafts of policy recommendations to be presented to LA, Public Assembly at local level, final visit at the EU Parliament.

The project will:

  • share new tools and approaches to teachers/educators;
  • empower young people who will develop new skills, techniques, and strategies to make their voices heard;
  • sensitize local communities on local environmental issues and promote behavior change;
  • inform young people about the functioning of the European and local institutions.  At least 1000 students will be reached throughout the project

Target group

  • High school students (between the age of 14 and 18 years old)
  • Teachers and educators, who will be trained and equipped with new educational tools and methodologies to deliver environmental issues to students.
  • The project will create and/or consolidate the networks between schools, students, local environmental associations, and local authorities through the implementation of collaborative workshops and a public local event to stress the concept of inclusiveness and civic participation/collaboration to ameliorate local environmental issues.

Project Actions

  • Simulation: Simulation of UN COP Conferences on Climate Change.
  • TOT: TOTs (Training Of Trainers) where experts will share with teachers and educators a guide to active citizenship and community and new methodologies and approaches that can be adapted to students, such as the UN COP simulation methodology.
  • Research: A scientific research of citizens at the local level using the RANAS (Risks, Attitudes, Norms, Abilities and Self-regulation) approach.
  • Local and International Campaign
  • Public Assembles: A series of public assemblies at the local level where students will present the results of the RANAS research to their community, gathering new input from residents to complement their policy recommendations. This action is particularly aimed at citizens, to raise awareness, sharing information, and including everyone in a bottom-up policy-making process.
  • Visit to the European Parliament: A final visit to the European Parliament by a delegation of students from each partner country to better understand the workings of the institutions dealing with climate and the environment


  • CIFA E.T.S  – Turin, Italy (coordinator)
  • Anthropolis  – Budapest, Hungary
  • CWEP – Rzeszów, Poland
  • Diciannove societa cooperativa – Italy
  • LABC– Turin, Italy
  • Le Partenariat-Lile,France

Project website: https://citizens4climate.eu/