New publication of the Association “The Center for Education and Enterprise Support” has been released. This time it is about mentoring. As noted in the introduction: “We say about mentoring in various situations, not only in the event of a formal education. You may even find that mentoring is more associated with non-formal and informal education than the traditional way of teaching. Every situation in life can also be the subject of mentoring, because it is immaterial whether we learn about functioning of big corporations or adopting to cultural conditions of a foreign country. It also doesn’t matter if a mentor will be an older person offering us face-to-face contact, or whether it he/she will be younger person communicating with us through internet. The most important is the goal of mentoring: development of the person pursued”. This publication presents both theoretical and practical aspects of mentoring and its key elements include presentation of best Swiss practices in this field.
Download: “Mentoring – support for personal development. Swiss best practices”.